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i want to do my own take on startrek

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You aren't allowed to do that until you've reviewed my fanfictions.


Come on ghostrek, my computer just took a shit, give me a win here.


hey sponges ill be jobless and doing nothing but writing and reading so please try to be available at my convenience.





or what? jesus. go rage somewhere else.


and seriously, get a life.  you being so thirsty isn't cute anymore.....


it's just sad.


go to urban dictionary and finally learn what thirsty means old witch


yes  i am big nerd


i want to write my own take on startrek


i got alot of ideas  for post ds9/voyager serise of stories

A five year mission... to sell hats, t-shirts, pvc figurines, dvd box sets, wall posters and costumes.





oh you the new fuggs expert now that buddy retired


Not compared to your daughter, but I don't need to be to know you've never had a good idea in your entire life.

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