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The ignore user feature has gotta go


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even if he DID get tickets, it's so dumb to not even show up to fight the ticket. hell if the cop doesn't show it'll get dismissed


The cop will show up. He's trying to nail me, didn't even cut me a break on the missing mirror  (wrote a ticket for that one too), and then he said to come that day and he'll work with me so that the fines aren't so severe. Little does he know, there won't be any fine paying from my end.  <3

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The cop will show up. He's trying to nail me, didn't even cut me a break on the missing mirror  (wrote a ticket for that one too), and then he said to come that day and he'll work with me so that the fines aren't so severe. Little does he know, there won't be any fine paying from my end.  <3

so i got my left side view mirror swiped off and i had to drive with one duct taped for like a week until i could get an appointment at the body shop. i mean if i had gotten stopped i would just called the shop and asked them to confirm that i had an appointment to get it fixed

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Town of roughly 30,000 people. How likely are the cops to try to hunt me down and execute the bench warrant? We don't even know if I'll get a bench warrant:




Court date is the 11th. Okay, so chug a couple, go to court and yell Allahu Ackbar really loud. They will think you're crazy and let you go....

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I feel like if I actually get off with just a suspension or revocation of my license that the officer who pulled me over will lose his mind and try to shoot me if he sees me walking to my bus because he can't fathom getting rekt by a savvy warrior when he thought all along that he was the alpha when he pulled me over. Girls will soon find out that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male

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but is it cheaper to pay the fine (assuming no points are involved) or hire the laywer? that's what i was going at


it depends on the fine amount and what the tickets are for....personally, I'd hire a lawyer if I was Zeni 'cause it sounds like he could get them thrown out

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it depends on the fine amount and what the tickets are for....personally, I'd hire a lawyer if I was Zeni 'cause it sounds like he could get them thrown out

the mirror one yeah but that's probably what maybe $50 i don't think he cares so much about that one, but the registration suspension idk.

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If a cop ever showed up at my door looking for me, I would hide in a secret compartment in the basement and tell my mom to tell him that I moved out.


So not only will they find and arrest you, but you want your mom to catch a case for obstruction.


You suck and I hope this entire ticket thing is real and not the bullshit we all know that it is.

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if they suspend your registration, what good is insurance on a vehicle that you legally can't drive


I could of sworn his registration lapsed and wasn't suspended...also, wasn't one of the tickets for letting his insurance lapse as well


Could somebody quickly list what the tickets are for, 'cause I may be operating under the wrong information here...I thought it was insurance, registration, and mirror/tail light

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I could of sworn his registration lapsed and wasn't suspended...also, wasn't one of the tickets for letting his insurance lapse as well


Could somebody quickly list what the tickets are for, 'cause I may be operating under the wrong information here...I thought it was insurance, registration, and mirror/tail light

and i thought it was suspended for failure to pay

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So not only will they find and arrest you, but you want your mom to catch a case for obstruction.


You suck and I hope this entire ticket thing is real and not the bullshit we all know that it is.


When ever it's something that affects him negatively and seems reasonable, I sorta believe him....I mean he definitely adds his flair to it, but I do think he got these tickets...

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and i thought it was suspended for failure to pay


Is that a new jersey thing....'cause i've forgotten to re-up on one of my bike's and was pulled over...cop just told me it lapsed and if I sorted it out before the court date, i could bring my registration in and the ticket would be thrown out....and it was

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suspended license...I think you're fucked there


Insurance....as long as you can prove you were covered the ticket will be thrown out


tail light...if it's fixed by court date, the ticket will be thrown out





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Why are you such a massive faggot?


Mad because I'm gonna get off on hefty fines? They can suspend my license and driving privileges for a year for all I care! I take the bus anyway! They better not come at me with a bench warrant though because then we'll have a Supreme Court case on our hands and I'll get millions in restitution.

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Mad because I'm gonna get off on hefty fines? They can suspend my license and driving privileges for a year for all I care! I take the bus anyway! They better not come at me with a bench warrant though because then we'll have a Supreme Court case on our hands and I'll get millions in restitution.


The fuck are you even talking about?

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