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Would you guys be offended if I rewrote The Bible as a drama?

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People make drama versions of the bible all the time. You should interpret all the books the canon left OUT the bible so people can see things like how jesus was a muderous evil little shit when he was little.


(Scene when God exposes Cain for murdering Abel)


God: "Why did you DO it?!?!! WHY?!??! I loved you like a son!!! Let... LET GO OF ME!!!" (guards holding God back, preventing him from attacking Cain)


Cain: (tearfully) "It's your fault!! You always treated him like he was your favorite!! I hate you!!" (storms out of the room)


(Scene when God exposes Cain for murdering Abel)


God: "Why did you DO it?!?!! WHY?!??! I loved you like a son!!! Let... LET GO OF ME!!!" (guards holding God back, preventing him from attacking Cain)


Cain: (tearfully) "It's your fault!! You always treated him like he was your favorite!! I hate you!!" I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU DAD. i learned it from watching you.  (storms out of the room)


Hmmm that does seem like a much stronger line. I feel like this could be a major hit with stay at home moms if placed in the late morning/early afternoon soap opera window.


(Scene when God exposes Cain for murdering Abel)


God: "Why did you DO it?!?!! WHY?!??! I loved you like a son!!! Let... LET GO OF ME!!!" (guards holding God back, preventing him from attacking Cain)


Cain: (tearfully) "It's your fault!! You always treated him like he was your favorite!! I hate you!!" (storms out of the room)


Bible for millenials lol


(Scene when God exposes Cain for murdering Abel)


God: "Why did you DO it?!?!! WHY?!??! I loved you like a son!!! Let... LET GO OF ME!!!" (guards holding God back, preventing him from attacking Cain)


Cain: (tearfully) "It's your fault!! You always treated him like he was your favorite!! I hate you!!" (storms out of the room)




god and satan having a discussion


god : ok, i said wasn't gonna' play your game..but fine. i got one trick up my sleeve.


satan: pffft. you say that EVERY TIME WE DO THIS


god: yeah..but this dude is my ace in the hole.


satan: *takes long drag off joint, passes to god* alright man...let's see what you got.


~~enter job~~


This is a pretty dope idea.


The scene when Jesus walks on water:


"Ayyy!! (keeps strutting) Ayyy!! (more strutting) Ayyy!! Dab me up, Johnny B!" (Jesus dabs John the Baptist)



And I have a really dramatic scene for The Last Supper


Jesus: "Somebody here... will betray me... if he hasn't already. :| "


(Apostles look around uncomfortably, Judas begins to shake nervously)


Jesus: "You son of a..." (lunges at Judas, knocking all manners of food from the table in the process)


(Table gets flipped, Jesus has Judas by the collar, but is being pulled back by the others)


Jesus: "YOU... FUCKING... SNITCH!!!!"


instead of the King James Bible, let's start the Zenigundam Bible


and Abraham said to an OKC hottie "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME  :it:"



Oh that would be classic. He'll be in the public library typing one character at a time like really old people who don't know how to use computers do.



Read this entire thread and saw no mention of Jesus Christ, Superstar.  Non Christians loved it, but Bible Belters called it Satanism at its worst.  The producers didn't do anything but put modern costumes on the characters and have them sing the lines.

Hell is probably awful at first, but I bet you get used to it after a while, just like how prisoners who are being tortured stop feeling pain after a long time. And since it's Hells and nobody's getting out anyway, you can just do illicit things that you couldn't do legally on Earth like hire a prostitute and kill that one teacher of yours who also went to Hell because he was an asshole.


Hopefully Hell isn't an endless torture chamber of your greatest fears realized every waking moment, which I feel like it might be because God is like a prison guard who throws people into solitary confinement when it comes to punishment, which is why he didn't tell anybody about Noah's Ark and the flood he was planning.


Hmmm that would be a cool scene for Noah's Ark actually.


Noah: "So aren't you gonna tell everybody else about the whole Great Flood thing?"


God: "Nah. They bullied me when I was in middle school, so this is Revenge of the Nerds V: Drown You Dumb Jocks and Bitches who denied me my middle school glory!!"


Noah: "Oh... I see... Well It's 2304 BC."


God: ... right. This will be the prequel to Revenge of the Nerds. If George Lucas can make shitty Star Wars prequels, then I can make my own prequels for I am GOD! Don't test my powers, Noah! I'll make this flood into a hurricane and put a bunch of holes in your boat!! DON'T F WITH ME!!!" (God throws everything off of his desk and rages while Noah slowly backs out of the room)

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