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they replaced my dental hygenist with some lady in her 30's with giant tits

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I'm confused how this thread went from appreciation of chicks with big tits to north vs south culture war status.

people get defensive when someone point out the flaws in an area's culture but it's whatever. besides, GunStarHero[/member] can cook circles around me any day of the week. i burn cereal


Says the guy who became instantly insulting of biscuits and gravy because that's where his knowledege of the south begins and ends.

except there was an actual southerner who, earlier in this thread, even stated that the south wasn't really the best at anything. what is there to be proud about in that sort of area


unfortunately the one bad part about the north is that it is incredibly expensive. that is the one area where the south has us beat. no one wanted to live here so the land is cheaper. everyone wants to live up north so property taxes are insane.


I dont understand wanting to live where it snows for months.


Ive only had good grits like my mommas at waffle house.

i will give you waffle house hashbrowns only because they're the only thing open at 3am when you're drunk as fuck


and i commend you for getting out of that backwards hellhole. since i've never been to the southwest, i have no opinion on that area. so you could tell me vegas is nice and i'd not argue because i don't have enough information to make that argument. i won't believe the southeast is nicer than the north, because i'm here. and it isn't


It's just hot. But there's lots to do and it's not as expensive as Cali.


I dont understand wanting to live where it snows for months.

we can clear the roads, though you wouldn't know that by living here because they don't have the same type of equipment. we have the best universities, some of the best hospitals and medical research centers, the best companies, people actually know how to drive (like assholes, but hey it's home), some of the best places to hang out. hell even Trump knows the best place to take a 17 day vacation


Wow dont say u dont like sweet tea in chas :D

all this talk about the north is convincing me that i should go home at some point this year. i'm sure "chas" has decent enough food and places to visit


except there was an actual southerner who, earlier in this thread, even stated that the south wasn't really the best at anything. what is there to be proud about in that sort of area


I didn't realize my pride and personal worth was attached to my home.


He's another nibble for ya......I was born and raised a large chunk of my life in California......You couldn't pay me to live there.....Literally, I've had job offers making twice what I make here and there is no way in fuck I'm moving out to an overpriced slum with some nice attractions and cosmetic surgery for pets.


I didn't realize my pride and personal worth was attached to my home.


He's another nibble for ya......I was born and raised a large chunk of my life in California......You couldn't pay me to live there.....Literally, I've had job offers making twice what I make here and there is no way in fuck I'm moving out to an overpriced slum with some nice attractions and cosmetic surgery for pets.

i don't blame you, i've heard a lot of not so great things about that state.


then we're going to need to talk at some point. i need to find someone in this area who can cook miles ahead Jim Bob's barbeque and hunting range, so far i haven't found that. but in the north there's waaaaaaaaaaay more than enough good places to get food.


Holes in the wall.


Look for the shittiest looking restaurants. Ones you can tell only have like 1 or 2 locations. Ask what's popular.  Eat there.


Holes in the wall.


Look for the shittiest looking restaurants. Ones you can tell only have like 1 or 2 locations. Ask what's popular.  Eat there.

ah so the Washington D.C method. got it


ah so the Washington D.C method. got it


I'm unfamiliar with the area.

The best chicken wing spot I ever went to was an unmarked building with one door, one window, and a dirt road circling it. Drive thru only. Amazing food.


I'm unfamiliar with the area.

The best chicken wing spot I ever went to was an unmarked building with one door, one window, and a dirt road circling it. Drive thru only. Amazing food.

the best chicken place i found was a Peruvian chicken place in Silver Spring mmmmmmmmmmmmmmthatsgoodchicken


the best chicken place i found was a Peruvian chicken place in Silver Spring mmmmmmmmmmmmmmthatsgoodchicken


There's probably some really good stuff tucked away out here in Vegas. I just don't have the time to look. Atm I'm trying to find a particular brand of rice and some Arabic seasoning. Lots of places to look. Kinda overwhelming. Plus, as I learned long ago, some places are legit hidden and if you aren't the same as the owners you aint getting in.


the only reason i've found good Indian food around this area is because i work in IT. i'll let you do the math on that one.


Is this a big bang theory reference?


the only reason i've found good Indian food around this area is because i work in IT. i'll let you do the math on that one.


I'm not big on Indian cuisine, but there is an overlap between their food and Chinese food. Real Chinese food is hella weird compared to the American Chinese stuff. Loved the dumplings my mom made, which was honestly the only thing she knew how to make. She was garbage at cooking literally anything else.


I'm not big on Indian cuisine, but there is an overlap between their food and Chinese food. Real Chinese food is hella weird compared to the American Chinese stuff. Loved the dumplings my mom made, which was honestly the only thing she knew how to make. She was garbage at cooking literally anything else.

i've heard that before. i've been in asian supermarkets before, mostly to get snacks, and i've seen some really strange cuts of meat. i'd like to try it one day though, why the hell not


i've heard that before. i've been in asian supermarkets before, mostly to get snacks, and i've seen some really strange cuts of meat. i'd like to try it one day though, why the hell not


You need what I like to call a "Filipina mom." They'll show you what to buy and how to cook it. It's almost overbearing but you'll learn a lot from them.


You need what I like to call a "Filipina mom." They'll show you what to buy and how to cook it. It's almost overbearing but you'll learn a lot from them.


Are you Filipino? (I am shamelessly asking because I have a thing for asian dudes, forgive me lmao).


Also I don't know many asians from this area.


Are you Filipino? (I am shamelessly asking because I have a thing for asian dudes, forgive me lmao).


Also I don't know many asians from this area.


I'm part Chinese. And also a woman. Theres a huge Chiniese community in Alabama.


i like how this thread started as a off comment, turned into north vs south, turned into a more sarcastic north vs south, went to food, now we're here. WHAT THE FUCK IB


Dang, ya got me. The only three foods in the South are biscuits n gravy, gumbo, and the fear-inducing GRITS.


Oh no you don't. You don't get to claim completely the horror of grits in the name of the south!


My great-grandparents ate that yucky crap and they were both Old Country. Apparently it was like something equally gross they both had growing up in Sweden and Norway respectively.


Grits was instant kid-repellent. You saw it, you ran.


i like how this thread started as a off comment, turned into north vs south, turned into a more sarcastic north vs south, went to food, now we're here. WHAT THE FUCK IB


Tangent threads are best threads.  :P  :D


90 posts about NOTHING.




We learned your dental hygienist has sexually assaulted your shoulders at least twice with her upper front butt.

North food vs South food : the good, the bad, the RUN! IT'S GRITS!

Sandstone found out GunStarHero is a chick.

The various current locations of some of the members here and where they were before.


Those are the highlights at least. :D :D :D

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