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Well thats not going to happen since they can't build rockets for shit.  :brownbottle:

I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel a few years back, showing that the U.S. and Japan have a laser canon mounted on top of a 747.  It can melt ICBM's in mid flight.

Well thats not going to happen since they can't build rockets for shit.  :brownbottle:


they have in fact successfully tested a ICBM that could reach as far as NYC


they'd be the lucky ones.


Here in the Midwest the Churches and White supremacists would probably unite and make some kind of peace treaty with that little micro dick asshole and somehow impose more stricter laws.


No bullshit there'd probably be sex police that you'd have to call anytime you wanted to have sex that made sure you stuck to just missionary position.


Foreplay would be outlawed, cuddling would be forced... and Dear God the unspeakable may happen, Prohibition.  :'(








I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel a few years back, showing that the U.S. and Japan have a laser canon mounted on top of a 747.  It can melt ICBM's in mid flight.


I think we have some kind of top secret missile defense. I think its more that we launch a nuke to hit their nuke mid flight over the pacific ocean.


they have in fact successfully tested a ICBM that could reach as far as NYC


I don't think so, and even if they did they still have to put a nuke inside of it for it to cause any damage.


they have in fact successfully tested a ICBM that could reach as far as NYC

Awesome can't wait to go....see yous on the other side      :barf:/ :brownbottle: :brownbottle:\ -_'


I don't think so, and even if they did they still have to put a nuke inside of it for it to cause any damage.


you really don't watch the news do you? It's been all over for days...that and NK threatening to use one on guam


I don't think so, and even if they did they still have to put a nuke inside of it for it to cause any damage.


They created a miniature nucular war that goes on top of the missle


They created a miniature nucular war that goes on top of the missle


i gotta say I'm liking the aggressive approach we're taking...the UN makes all these sanctions and tells them they have to do something and they are like "that's a good one...had me a laugh...see you next week bitches"...I'm tired of codling that regime...they need to play ball...

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