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It seems they learned their lesson about airing a big show at 11 PM after it ended its run.



On FB they announced that, in addition to the block returning to 11 PM after it started at 11:30 PM for a very short time, they'll rerun the second season of Attack On Titan at 3 AM.  This means that they will now have TWO reruns late in the night!  Essentially, the AoT rerun will boost everything up a half hour earlier!  A lot of changes coming up.


Huh, so they got 11PM back even after the Samurai Jack debacle. That's interesting.


I guess that means Venture Bros. is the sacrificial lamb that made this change possible?


No idea what the schedule before all that is.  :D


Obviously, these changes are in reaction to the dwindling ratings.  If a show airs earlier in the evening, there are more people awake to watch TV, and thus there should be higher ratings overall, at least for a little bit.


I would've hoped they had ditched one of the rerun slots for something totally fresh instead.


All right, DB Super at 11:00. I didn't think that would happen.


It'll be out of the movie recap arcs soon, which is the perfect time for a ratings increase. Whether that'll actually happen... well, I couldn't care less.


All right, DB Super at 11:00. I didn't think that would happen.


It'll be out of the movie recap arcs soon, which is the perfect time for a ratings increase. Whether that'll actually happen... well, I couldn't care less.


Unfortunately, it looks like it won't actually be a premiere, as it seems that now it will be last week's episode at 8, followed by new episode at 8:30.


So now each DBS episode starting with #27 will get THREE airings on [as], with the middle one being the "official" Toonami airing:

#1 - PREMIERE at 8:30 on [as]

#2 - ENCORE at 11 on Toonami

#3 - RERUN before the premiere at 8 on [as]


But I am SUPER PUMPED that JoJo is now at midnight! Just means I'll have to get home at 11 PM Central to watch it live, which can be challenging...


Unfortunately, it looks like it won't actually be a premiere, as it seems that now it will be last week's episode at 8, followed by new episode at 8:30.


So now each DBS episode starting with #27 will get THREE airings on [as], with the middle one being the "official" Toonami airing:

#1 - PREMIERE at 8:30 on [as]

#2 - ENCORE at 11 on Toonami

#3 - RERUN before the premiere at 8 on [as]


God fuckin DAMMIT, Toonami!!!!


Unfortunately, it looks like it won't actually be a premiere, as it seems that now it will be last week's episode at 8, followed by new episode at 8:30.


Ouch. So that experiment only lasted one week? Why not give it at least a little time, unless Toei saw what Toonami tried to do and threw a fit. This also means that the Samurai Jack encore only airs at 3:30 now. I'm not sure why they aren't considering it a part of the block. You could just as easily promote it that way and have the block run from 11-4.


Honestly, while getting back 11:00 is nice, and it's good to see that they can use the slot for things other than co-productions... I don't really think this fixes anything. You're risking saturation with airing DB Super three times in one night. If you want to encore it, do so on a different day, like Wednesday at 8:00P. Would that be good enough? For Toei, probably not.


And why does the official on-air schedule now have spaces between the content rating and the descriptors? That goes against everything I assumed about them for the past few years. What the hell, man.


Unfortunately, it looks like it won't actually be a premiere, as it seems that now it will be last week's episode at 8, followed by new episode at 8:30.


So now each DBS episode starting with #27 will get THREE airings on [as], with the middle one being the "official" Toonami airing:

#1 - PREMIERE at 8:30 on [as]

#2 - ENCORE at 11 on Toonami

#3 - RERUN before the premiere at 8 on [as]


But I am SUPER PUMPED that JoJo is now at midnight! Just means I'll have to get home at 11 PM Central to watch it live, which can be challenging...


I despise TOEI. There goes any chance of the block having better ratings.  Family Guy always does worse in the 10pm hour.  Why can't TOEI just let Toonami premiere it at 11!!??


It seems they learned their lesson about airing a big show at 11 PM after it ended its run.



On FB they announced that, in addition to the block returning to 11 PM after it started at 11:30 PM for a very short time, they'll rerun the second season of Attack On Titan at 3 AM.  This means that they will now have TWO reruns late in the night!  Essentially, the AoT rerun will boost everything up a half hour earlier!  A lot of changes coming up.


reading the remakes in the FB post and got some laughs


"Anything and everything dragonball related is pure cancer."


And why does the official on-air schedule now have spaces between the content rating and the descriptors? That goes against everything I assumed about them for the past few years. What the hell, man.

Spaces and dashes just aren't right, man.




I'm not gonna bother asking DeMarco as he probably won't answer, but Toei really wants that early block don't they?


Hey Toei. ... You know NOT EVERYTHING on Saturday nights on Cartoon Network has to be Dragonball Z, right!??!


Well, I didn't think Toonami would get 11:00 PM back at all, let alone this quickly.  From that standpoint this is a pretty good announcement.


I'm wasn't too concerned about Dragon Ball Super at 11, but I'm a bit peeved now that it IS going to be a rerun again, after making it a premiere for a single week.  Honestly, if Toei really is the one that is dictating where and how many times Super airs, I don't even think it's worth it to air the show anymore, quality regardless.


So we go from a rerun at 11, to losing 11, back to a rerun at 11. 


Happy Days Are Here Again :|


Between this bullshittery with DB Super and them handing cease & desist orders to Team Four Star in person, I think it's safe to say that Toei is a worse animation studio than DEEN, Gonzo, Pierrot, or whatever other studio you like to hate.


All this time, I don't think I ever saw any proof for how you're all certain that the front of the block is controlled by TOEI.


We need a man on the inside. Too many unanswered questions. Elfie go Infiltrate!


Season 3 will air next year (hopefully they stick to that) but 25 eps then 4 years is much worse than 12 and then one, better be some fuckin Levi tho.


Well, I didn't think Toonami would get 11:00 PM back at all, let alone this quickly.  From that standpoint this is a pretty good announcement.


I'm wasn't too concerned about Dragon Ball Super at 11, but I'm a bit peeved now that it IS going to be a rerun again, after making it a premiere for a single week.  Honestly, if Toei really is the one that is dictating where and how many times Super airs, I don't even think it's worth it to air the show anymore, quality regardless.


So we go from a rerun at 11, to losing 11, back to a rerun at 11. 


Happy Days Are Here Again :|


We all just kind of assume that TOEI has Toonami by the balls with whatever contract they made them sign for Super.


Season 3 will air next year (hopefully they stick to that) but 25 eps then 4 years is much worse than 12 and then one, better be some fuckin Levi tho.


They have more than enough manga material to work with for a 25 episode season next year.


I think they better route would've been to let Super fail on a kids network just in time for Kai to end. Then Toonami could have had it with no restrictions. I still wish they could use Super to build something in prime time .


It seems they learned their lesson about airing a big show at 11 PM after it ended its run.



On FB they announced that, in addition to the block returning to 11 PM after it started at 11:30 PM for a very short time, they'll rerun the second season of Attack On Titan at 3 AM.  This means that they will now have TWO reruns late in the night!  Essentially, the AoT rerun will boost everything up a half hour earlier!  A lot of changes coming up.


Pretty sad they needed be taught that same lesson twice. :D


The last time they moved everything up 30 minutes the ratings took a hit, and as viewers never adjusted to the change, it forced them to move everything back.  This is why I've always insisted that if they want to change when Toonami starts or ends to just add or remove shows from either end.  So just as they re-learn one lesson they've forgotten another.  Also goes against their "don't make any big schedule changes" thing they once lived by.  This doesn't bode well.


Pretty sad they needed be taught that same lesson twice.


FYI, I made this thread BEFORE getting word that Toonami ALSO spammed early Saturday evening with more and more Dragonball, so far be it for me to read something that wasn't publicly announced.


I'm glad Dragon Ball Super is getting its chance at a two-fer outside of Toonami! While Samurai Jack also got that treatment, the last show other than that was...either InuYasha or FMA:B!


Still no proof of this.


We don't need proof when it's pretty obvious that Toei is to blame for a lot of this.  Think about it: when Super was first picked up they didn't announce that it was going to be airing at 8:00 PM first.  They said it was going to premiere on Toonami.  It wasn't until it was about the premiere that they made a small announcement about the 8:00 PM airing.  Why wait so long if that was the plan all along?  And besides, why pick up the show for Toonami in the first place if it couldn't even premiere on the block?  It would make sense that they picked it up for the block, only to have Toei tell then that they needed to premiere the episode earlier.


To be completely honest with you, I'm also beginning to think more and more that the Super rerun leading off the block is the doing of Toei as well.  The Toonami crew have shown before that they're not stupid enough to think a rerun will do well as the leadoff show; remember, it was the doing of Adult Swim itself, not Toonami, that put AoT reruns at the front of the block in 2014, and one can probably argue a similar case for the recent Jack reruns.  So, assuming that they know a rerun won't lead the block off well, I can see Super leading off the block for two reasons:


A. Toei has mandated that the show remain at the top or near the top of the schedule.  Not an incredibly far stretch, I believe, given how low the ratings for the series has been at 8:00 PM.  Toei perhaps saw that the audience was splitting between the two airings and wanted to try and get as much of it as possible.


B. The license for Dragon Ball Super could not have been cheap.  There was a lot of hype for the show coming to America, and that, as well as it being a Dragon Ball property, probably cost Toonami a decent chunk of change.  Perhaps they're airing it as the leadoff show to try and recoup as much of their investment as they can.




Super is the Jamarcus Russel of Toonami.


He's got an ironclad 60 mil 6 year contract and if he sucks you still gotta pay him half that to kick him off the team.


They have more than enough manga material to work with for a 25 episode season next year.


Nice. Yeah, I remember reading that.


Plus I think some manga readers have mentioned that (not really a spoiler)

supposedly the next two arcs make for a much better 25 episode season than the shorter arc we just finished plus this next one that will now open season 3 would have.


Somewhat spoilery maybe:


Supposedly the first part of the next arc is quite story and political/bureaucracy heavy so they say it makes for a much better opener to a new season rather than a climax of season 2 continuing right after the intense action of the back half of the short season 2. And that the arc after that is great for a climax.



Though I could still see them sticking to the 12-13 eps at a time runs as well the rest of the way. I'm curious what they'll do.


We don't need proof when it's pretty obvious that Toei is to blame for a lot of this.  Think about it: when Super was first picked up they didn't announce that it was going to be airing at 8:00 PM first.  They said it was going to premiere on Toonami.  It wasn't until it was about the premiere that they made a small announcement about the 8:00 PM airing.  Why wait so long if that was the plan all along?  And besides, why pick up the show for Toonami in the first place if it couldn't even premiere on the block?  It would make sense that they picked it up for the block, only to have Toei tell then that they needed to premiere the episode earlier.


To be completely honest with you, I'm also beginning to think more and more that the Super rerun leading off the block is the doing of Toei as well.  The Toonami crew have shown before that they're not stupid enough to think a rerun will do well as the leadoff show; remember, it was the doing of Adult Swim itself, not Toonami, that put AoT reruns at the front of the block in 2014, and one can probably argue a similar case for the recent Jack reruns.  So, assuming that they know a rerun won't lead the block off well, I can see Super leading off the block for two reasons:


A. Toei has mandated that the show remain at the top or near the top of the schedule.  Not an incredibly far stretch, I believe, given how low the ratings for the series has been at 8:00 PM.  Toei perhaps saw that the audience was splitting between the two airings and wanted to try and get as much of it as possible.


B. The license for Dragon Ball Super could not have been cheap.  There was a lot of hype for the show coming to America, and that, as well as it being a Dragon Ball property, probably cost Toonami a decent chunk of change.  Perhaps they're airing it as the leadoff show to try and recoup as much of their investment as they can.


I dunno'.  I feel like you've all been drinking the Alchemist Kool-Aid.  It could be Adult Swim itself and not Toonami responsible for Super's placement, yes.  I'm also more likely to blame Adult Swim proper than Toei for the 8 PM airing.  Just sounds like something they'd do.  Let Toonami do all the work of building up the block and being able to get Super and then reap the rewards for themselves and fuck over the block.  And like you said, Dragon Ball is a major property, and Super is NEW Dragon Ball, so of course they, whomever is responsible, are going to lead the block off with it.  And like you said, it couldn't have been cheap.  Only problem is, currently, it's not finite, unlike Kai.  So if A. is correct, we may have a serious problem on our hands.  But, I don't personally think it is.


FYI, I made this thread BEFORE getting word that Toonami ALSO spammed early Saturday evening with more and more Dragonball, so far be it for me to read something that wasn't publicly announced.


Was talking about Adult Swim trying to lead the block off with reruns twice with Attack on Titan and Samurai Jack.


I dunno'.  I feel like you've all been drinking the Alchemist Kool-Aid.  It could be Adult Swim itself and not Toonami responsible for Super's placement, yes.  I'm also more likely to blame Adult Swim proper than Toei for the 8 PM airing.  Just sounds like something they'd do.  Let Toonami do all the work of building up the block and being able to get Super and then reap the rewards for themselves and fuck over the block.  And like you said, Dragon Ball is a major property, and Super is NEW Dragon Ball, so of course they, whomever is responsible, are going to lead the block off with it.  And like you said, it couldn't have been cheap.  Only problem is, currently, it's not finite, unlike Kai.  So if A. is correct, we may have a serious problem on our hands.  But, I don't personally think it is.


I don't think you can blame Adult Swim for the 8 PM airing.  They were also the ones who ran Samurai Jack reruns at the top of the block and pulled those within a month.  Super has been having these split airings for close to 7 months now, and the effect on the ratings is obvious.  Don't you think Adult Swim would have dealt with that by now?

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