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Guest The Hound

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Guest The Hound

I'm too lazy to sign up right now. I;m also supposed to be working. I'm on the clock.  :|

tis fien



i just need some stress on the server.

Guest The Hound

Ok ok,, I don't want to step back out into the oven just yet.

everything went fully functional today on my server, and the other forum is already up on a separate hosting and domain - this one that viperslayer.space is on is way way cheaper so I'm really not sure what it's going to handle. We'll see.
Guest The Hound

wating for the confirmation email.

As you signed in.


I can confirm you if that's an issue

Guest The Hound

email validation turned off.

two forms of bot protection are enabled anyway.

Guest The Hound

+ and - rep enabled






Guest The Hound

I think this was asked before but can you use ASMB?

  if i get a C&D then



ill deal with that

Guest The Hound

Can't. I'm driving to Boston.

y u do dis



n ok

Guest The Hound

ive got about a million different copypastas im not sure you want to do this

do wat u want




Guest The Hound

nope :fap:

nbd *shrug*
Guest The Hound

oh that's nice...looks at members...HA

It's not about member count. Relax cunt.



Guest The Hound

I love you and LB still, but i wish you'd lay off me.


It's not about member count. Relax cunt.


you know this only paints you worse viper...why would people want to go if you're going to treat us like that? Considering I did nothing to warrant that...not to mention, you had beef with me and wanted to settle it and I gave you my number to call and you never did...so yeah go fuck yourself

Guest The Hound

you know this only paints you worse viper...why would people want to go if you're going to treat us like that? Considering I did nothing to warrant that...not to mention, you had beef with me and wanted to settle it and I gave you my number to call and you never did...so yeah go fuck yourself

You're always rude to me so I'm being rude to you?








Guest The Hound

I don't like fighting with you but you looooooove pushing my buttons, and I love pushing yours back.

Guest The Hound

you don't fucking "love me" if you call me that...eat shit

OH and your first comment being bout the members who've joined already is soooooooooo loving and nice
Guest The Hound



I don't like fighting with you but you looooooove pushing my buttons, and I love pushing yours back.


yeah well if that little bit pissed you off it's your problem...you took teasing to level one hundred real fuckin quick




nope we done here viper...I can handle it from the POS that is fugg...but nope you don't get to do that to me then turn around and say you "love me"...yeah...nope...hope your shit fails

Guest The Hound

nope we done here viper...I can handle it from the POS that is fugg...but nope you don't get to do that to me then turn around and say you "love me"...yeah...nope...hope your shit fails





dunt care



you're cringeasf :(

Guest The Hound

i call my best friend a cunt all the time and she's a female

im not gonna tip toe around your borderline asspie ass on here anymore, or anyone elses for that matter.



Guest The Hound

The fuck are those smileys? The fuck? :|

stock IPS




is her act towards me some kind of charade or something? idgi



you still communicate with me after me and her go back and fourth all the time



i swear this is like some kind of inside joke.


stock IPS




is her act towards me some kind of charade or something? idgi



you still communicate with me after me and her go back and fourth all the time



i swear this is like some kind of inside joke.


no joke viper I'm rather pissed off...saying "I have a female friend I call cunt and it's fine" is like saying "I have black friends so I can call black people the n word"

Guest The Hound

also emoticons updated and setup

Guest The Hound
On 7/12/2017 at 9:02 PM, Still Me said:

no joke viper I'm rather pissed off...saying "I have a female friend I call cunt and it's fine" is like saying "I have black friends so I can call black people the n word"

yea well like



after all these years of how you act towards me how do you not understand that at this point the first thing that comes to mind when you're acting like this towards me is "cunt"



its like you don't want to hate me but i keep giving you reasons to, because YOU keep giving me reasons to be pissed at you.



i get it



fuggs joined



but i dont need another one liner from you as you always do



shits tilting



and no i don't condone racisim.



quoting joe rogan here



there are three magic words in the english lanaguage









and love



you can start shit with each of them



just like i did with you.







On 7/12/2017 at 9:05 PM, Viperslayer? said:

yea well like



after all these years of how you act towards me how do you not understand that at this point the first thing that comes to mind when you're acting like this towards me is "cunt"



its like you don't want to hate me but i keep giving you reasons to, because YOU keep giving me reasons to be pissed at you.



i get it



fuggs joined



but i dont need another one liner from you as you always do



shits tilting



and no i don't condone racisim.



quoting joe rogan here



there are three magic words in the english lanaguage









and love



you can start shit with each of them



just like i did with you.


never said boo about fugg joining...I was referring to the low number...but if you're still harboring shit that's on you...I deal in there here and nows...and if that's how you feel about it and me...fine but you don't "love me" stop saying you do...but this immediately shows how shit is gonna go on that board...I don't want any part of it...especially from someone who doesn't keep his word...


stock IPS




is her act towards me some kind of charade or something? idgi



you still communicate with me after me and her go back and fourth all the time



i swear this is like some kind of inside joke.

I can live with stock, but I’m not using them. Fuck everything about that.

As for the rest:

Look, whatever problem is there, you have to deal with her about that. I have nothing to do with it.

Appealing to me is going to get the same response “Take it up with her.” If I have a problem with you, or anyone has one with me, I have them take it up with me.

I talk to you because I can and will, as I’m the moderate here. I don’t really care either way what goes on. I’m a Chaotic Neutral most of the time, but I lean True Neutral as of late. I’ll keep talking and communicating because I don’t let drama and bullshit get in the way of making a point or talking like a human being. Also, because I can at least talk to you and post with civility a majority of the time.

No inside joke here. Most of the time, I’m in the same room, silently watching. You buried yourself with your own shovel, man.


also emoticons updated and setup

Mmmk then.

Also, your responses to her (after I’ve read through them now) sound like some uppity white male shit. Nothing personal, just saying. Also, you don’t use the C word with a female as a term of endearment. Doesn’t work that way, man. I can tell you how many women I’ve called that and they smiled at it. It’s precisely the same as the amount of fucks Michael Jackson had in his life: Zero. :|

Guest The Hound

never said boo about fugg joining...I was referring to the low number...but if you're still harboring shit that's on you...I deal in there here and nows...and if that's how you feel about it and me...fine but you don't "love me" stop saying you do...but this immediately shows how shit is gonna go on that board...I don't want any part of it...especially from someone who doesn't keep his word...



As as admin I'm not in position to respond or troll people on the forum.

The only way anyone would get a hostile response from me on there, would to be posting content from sites like rotten.com or similar, CP, or any kind of hate speech/racism.

This place and that place are entirely different.







I should also note that post may be deleted at the very end before it goes completely live, and I intend on keeping registrations active. So you register now, you keep the account. As for the post count - that too, but most threads and stuff might fall into oblivion if I actually promote this place to be a real adult swim forum



the domain is to change envetually too



viperslayer.space is the hosting, i can direct viperslayer.space/boards to http://asmb2.com or something at a later date and then promote it through reddit and facebook. As long as I dont throw any real adultswim based formatting and styling - i should be legally in the clear.



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