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That's some bullshit. People say exactly what they mean when they're drunk. No inhibitions, no desire to uphold the social contract, no desire to sugarcoat, no desire to hold back for fear of hurting others.


I learned that one early. People just say "I didn't mean that" to make themselves feel better or to save their reputation.


Why am I even posting this stream of consciousness rant? Who cares? Go get wasted and post ITT or something.


Yup. People say exactly what they mean. Which can be...an experience. My baby dad said he loved me and wanted another child by me when the whole time i thought he hated and resented me. But because he said this when he was really drunk, i believed him. And he said again later after he sobered up.


This is true mostly. Its definitely become an excuse anyway.


However, I always thought the saying was because people are impulsively speaking whats on their mind without having put much thought into why. Even when sober, people do it because of adrenaline. Then later they may come to realize that they were wrong or what they said was wrong because they've realized something else about themselves or why they thought what they did.


I have to say I disagree.....I mean not fully because if someone says they have herpes when they're drunk, believe them but I know for a fact that I can't formulate a proper lie when I'm sober.....When I'm drunk I can make someone believe anything.  I convinced a girl to give me $400 to buy a pound of weed once when I was drunk and she was sober.  Had I been sober, I would have fumbled all over my reasoning as of why she would definitely double her money if she trusted me.


Slower brain functioning too, you must remember. Although I agree to a certain extent, I do also believe people will say things they truly don't mean when they're drunk. It's up to you to judge.


One time when I was drunk I took a piss in the middle of the street and told the world they were just a bunch of fascist pigs.


and you were right. point proven.  :)


The only time I think it applies is if they are shitfaced falling down drunk. My one friend got into a fist fight with a guy over something about who makes the Olympic bobsleds. The conversation made no sense, but I'm sure the conversation was compelling, but I just wasn't drunk enough at the moment to understand it at the time.


What I don't get is the "He only acts like that when he's drunk"

How about laying off the booze if you know you act like a jackass while intoxicated?


That's some bullshit. People say exactly what they mean when they're drunk. No inhibitions, no desire to uphold the social contract, no desire to sugarcoat, no desire to hold back for fear of hurting others.


I learned that one early. People just say "I didn't mean that" to make themselves feel better or to save their reputation.


Why am I even posting this stream of consciousness rant? Who cares? Go get wasted and post ITT or something.


I kind of agree


I know when I drink I get very friendly and smile a lot and generally tell people exactly what I think


I remember one night years ago at mine and my ex's apartment


he had teenage children from a first marriage that their mother kept away from him


the eldest one met him first then brought the others with her for a big family gathering in the apartment


I sat it out, I sat in the bedroom doing puzzle books to keep me entertained (I had no internet or tv in there). They were in the kitchen and didn't know I was there and in earshot.

There were pictures on the fridge, a couple of my ex and one of me.


The eldest daughter had met me and pointed out the pic on the fridge.


She said "She looks ok in that picture, but she's really ugly in real life" and they all had a good laugh, my ex included.


I bring it up the next day to my ex, and he forces his kid to try to make nice with me, the first thing the girl said was "I didn't mean it"


Fucking Bullshit. She went out of her way to say it  when she thought I want around.


And, no, she wasn't drinking at the time, she's just a bitch.


That's some bullshit. People say exactly what they mean when they're drunk. No inhibitions, no desire to uphold the social contract, no desire to sugarcoat, no desire to hold back for fear of hurting others.


I learned that one early. People just say "I didn't mean that" to make themselves feel better or to save their reputation.


Why am I even posting this stream of consciousness rant? Who cares? Go get wasted and post ITT or something.

Saw that about two weeks ago.  Lady in a crowded room dropping the N word every ten seconds.  Too drunk to take more than three steps without falling down.
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