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Ugh, I'm sorry, but Bryce Papenbrook is just...not a good fit for Eren.  I have a hard time listening to the dub because of him and a few other characters.


Yeah, this is exactly what i thought Eren with flash back to seeing these two, intentional or not.


Damn, these feels.


Reiner's helped them out a bunch too.


Loving the rage and mystery on Reiner's side.


Ugh, I'm sorry, but Bryce Papenbrook is just...not a good fit for Eren.  I have a hard time listening to the dub because of him a few other characters.


His growly Titan voice is not good at all. I find Armin's voice pretty bad also.


OH Holy shit Bryce!  ::spin:: ::spin::


Sounds like spit was flying as he recorded those lines. 


It's why I support the video game VA strike (which many anime VA's do) that is currently going on.  VA's are expected to destroy their vocal chords for these lines with not enough compensation.


"Why is it coming to me now? Oh. The director's flashback fetish. I wish he'd stop interfering with my concentration."


Gotta say I am surprised that the Colossal and Amored Titans are just scouts.  Figured the former would be the leader and the latter an important officer.


Reiner as the Armored Titan, fine.  It's a good twist.  But Colossal is this Berthold guy?  I don't even know/remember who he is!  At least pick a significant character, jeez.


Attack him between his armor plates.


Connie is in denial, haha.


Angry Eren is back lul.


Fucking constant flashbacks.  Is this show incapable of having character development that isn't retroactive?


Yup brute force won't work here.


I assumed he was in control from the beginning.


I mean, he planned that shit perfectly and screamed in a dark and dank Batman tone while doing it.


well this fight is getting sexual



told you this show was Macrophillia the anime ::]::


It's an MMA fight. Nothing sexual about MMA fights.

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