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when it was taboo to say your name on the boards??






I am Sam, Sam I am, no you may not have green eggs and ham.




I thought you were a girl.


I am a girl :o


Shocking that most people with a name like Samantha uses the nickname Sam.  whut  ::HMM::


Anyway, 'ello Candy.


im coubting the days

ill literally cry at this point if its as good as btd.


Nice :D


Dude, that would be awesome.

Or Paradise.

Those be my favz.


My actual name is Giuliano Taverna, and yes for a while that was my profile name on the old boards, the mods legit did not think it was my real name. They banned me after they found out so I went back to my original profile.


I am rather fond of my name, but Nautius Maximus is my barfleet name and I'm kind of proud of that too, plus I got it around the same time I joined here.


I also answer to Caesar, God, God Emperor, and super kami.


My actual name is Giuliano Taverna, and yes for a while that was my profile name on the old boards, the mods legit did not think it was my real name. They banned me after they found out so I went back to my original profile.


I am rather fond of my name, but Nautius Maximus is my barfleet name and I'm kind of proud of that too, plus I got it around the same time I joined here.


I also answer to Caesar, God, God Emperor, and super kami.


Yesh, I remember you Giuliano.

That's so dumb that they bant you.


Who was the rat to be all....THAT'S HIS REAL LIFE NAME!!! BAN HIM!


Yo I haven't had some in a while, definitely bring some






this will be a great night.


In the gaming groups I don't think anyone even calls me by my screen name anymore. So it's pretty public knowledge that my name is Naomi.


Yeah, that happens :D

Once you get to know people more, the interwebz names go away.


Howdy, Naomi.


Yeah, that happens :D

Once you get to know people more the interwebz names go away.


Howdy, Naomi.


Not quite. The first name most of them knew me by was the gamertag "Naomiiiiiiiiiii" So I figure that's why.


Not quite. The first name most of them knew me by was the gamertag "Naomiiiiiiiiiii" So I figure that's why.






That also will do it.  >:D


It would've been more hilarious if they kept all the i's at the end.


I mean, if it's true.

Nice. :P




LOL @ your sig.


I wish. Nah, most people call me Raul.


You got me in trouble with that. I was waiting at St. Elmo's for some co-workers and lurking and just as they sat down I saw that and did a spit take.

They asked what it was, and I told em and they just shook their heads. 


I figured it was worth being in my sig for a while, at least until I find something else that causes me public embarrassment.  :D





I wish. Nah, most people call me Raul.


You got me in trouble with that. I was waiting at St. Elmo's for some co-workers and lurking and just as they sat down I saw that and did a spit take.

They asked what it was, and I told em and they just shook their heads. 


I figured it was worth being in my sig for a while, at least until I find something else that causes me public embarrassment.  :D



My friend, embarrassing everyone.


Lawl, hi Raul.






That also will do it.  >:D


It would've been more hilarious if they kept all the i's at the end.


A lot of them did for awhile. My best friend still does from time to time.


when it was taboo to say your name on the boards??






I am Sam, Sam I am, no you may not have green eggs and ham.


It was taboo to say what state you lived in for the longest time... :D

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