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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. I dunno. Which comes first, retarded or Chris Benoit mode?
  2. That sounds like a good time.
  3. I'M GONNA SAY A CURSE OKAY GET READY HERE WE GO DANG *immediately catches on fire*
  4. Impressive.
  5. Neither do I, but it's happened a couple times. Once falling on ice, once tripping down some stairs in school. No wonder I'm a nutcase.
  6. I mentioned concussions in another thread, and it made me curious. I've had two that I know of. Which is two more than I should have because I never played contact sports.
  7. Ice is evil. And slipping on it on concrete is a fantastic way to get a concussion. I can vouch.
  8. I'm always beaten to the punch on these things.
  9. But it would have to be the non-alcoholic kind, and really, what's even the point of non-alcoholic eggnog?
  10. Bro, I had no idea it costs that much to capitalize a letter.
  11. Life is strange.
  12. That sounds like something an alcoholic would say.
  13. I'm on a mission to make everyone think I'm insane. When people think you're nuts, it really takes the pressure off, y'know?
  14. Manic depression?
  15. I'm allergic as fuck to animals, but that's never stopped me from owning them. Hello fren.
  16. I don't understand... Michael Bolton didn't release an album this year, so...?
  17. Regularly. I'm on the rag on the reg.
  18. That's for me to know and you to find out.
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