...lifting 400 pounds at age 67.
Here's a video. http://www.sportingnews.com/other-sports/news/ric-flair-deadlifts-400-pounds-video-wwe-woo-watch/mpkrk7suuz2j1ook0i9dsuiu4
See, the thing is, I know OKC stands for OK Cupid, but my brain auto-translates it to mean Oklahoma City.
And frankly, I like to imagine you were banned by an entire city. Like they all came together and they were like, "This guy? Nah. Get him out."
Is the spree killer in the making really giving life advice right now? The guy looking for a girlfriend on a dating site (and failing) is giving relationship advice?
C'mon, son.
I want you to know that I hear your reason for hating spaghetti, and I can understand where you're coming from. That being said, I still respect you less as a person because of this opinion.
Not to get all "eff the system" about it, but honestly, stealing four dollars worth of chicken from a company that makes billions of dollars hardly puts me in a moral dilemma.