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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. i am from Ohio i never buffalo chicken dip
  2. i dont find it funny each to there own
  3. that shit is normal now a days for families
  4. good luck that all have to say
  5. what the hell i dont like the show and not creator
  6. carp i need to look at other people threads are they going to pull the show from netflixs
  7. happpy brithday
  8. comicbook.com/anime/2017/11/21/rurouni-kenshin-nobuhiro-watsuki-sex-crime-arrested-anime/ what the hell with wrong people for 1 2 i am rrewatching the serise on netflixs great there going to pull it now
  9. what the fuck i thougth you was a teacher
  10. ok why?
  11. fuck no
  12. what?
  13. wrong fan fic writer
  14. ok i dont know what to say about that
  15. what the fuck that wired
  16. what the hell the kids think
  17. what is yours
  18. i want a f-16 fighter plane
  19. has seen on tv stuff is normally is carp any ways
  20. he dose not fit the story the chacter is a vailn(bad guy)
  21. what come on realy i had good idea
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