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Everything posted by ghostrek

  1. do godzilla reading a book
  2. true i still dont care
  3. no i gusse not
  4. baby it's cold outside is not a christmas song my one of my liocal radio sations play that damn song
  5. whiskey and dr pepper
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate
  7. steak
  8. good qustion i dont know
  9. yes you are rigth about
  10. a fellow taurus i am a taurus ox
  11. i dont wirte porn
  12. i never did that
  13. i dont know but dont want to know
  14. that is sick
  15. the dictetor of the christmas story is one of theme
  16. some filmmakers worked in a lot genres
  17. the polar express is ok
  18. yes that film is great also
  19. my bother wanted a computer but he never got
  20. i forget the film is a christmas movie
  21. youtube has pretty old xmass cartoons
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