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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. I hope this Free For All board and UE as a hole appreciate my foresight in making sure there was a quarantine folder ready for when this shit migration inevitably happened
  2. Pretty sure most of those lame ass letters are fake. Unless they came from Reddit, that would make sense
  3. "There just isn’t a clean-cut story in the data. For instance, you might have expected a decline in the percentage of Americans who trusted Clinton after Wikileaks began its releases. . . But the percentage of Americans who found Clinton to be honest or trustworthy stayed at around 30 percent in polling throughout October and into November." Maybe she lost because her default trust rating is 30%. I don't see how wikileaks hurt her by revealing things about her campaign that everyone already correctly assumed to be true.
  4. Need deets, good work comrade
  5. You nad cracky? That's p gross
  6. I already told you, am I uncredible or something
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/dec/20/celebrity-corporate-machine-fame-big-business-donald-trump-kim-kardashian
  8. It'd be pretty nice dying out under a desert night sky
  9. I submitted it to the Library of Congress for archival consideration we should hear something back soon
  10. Perseus was cracky right Also, Odin = hubbb
  11. The waiter is getting impatient with me he'll be back any minute i need to make a decision please hurry
  12. Which is better rice or soda?
  13. NaBarney

    They've come.

    So those instances I reported, do you think they'll be followed up on? Or will that usage of hate speech be allowed to stand?
  14. http://billmoyers.com/story/the-trillion-dollar-question-the-media-have-neglected-to-ask-presidential-candidates/ Massive spending on upgrading our nuclear arsenal and making it easier for us to use nuclear weapons by making them smaller, "more precise" etc is hardly a Trump thing and was already going to happen, thanks Obama. Humanity will survive beyond 2020, unfortunately
  15. NaBarney

    They've come.

    Do y'all warn and ban users for regular use of slurs that are racist and homophobic and constitute hate speech here?
  16. Your election thread was still going strong as a hotbed of anti-Russian sentiment based on CIA fanfiction + Master Debater saying awful Trump apologist things then refusing to debate anyone about it
  17. I'll masturbate when I'm dead
  18. Well after signing former Miami Heat backup-backup-backup PG Toney Douglas (I guess Norris Cole was busy?) Memphis...smashed Golden State by over 20 points for their 7th straight win. I love following this team as they vastly overachieve and beat absurd odds every year
  19. Another response from the heart, this one was also hard to decide how to respond to
  20. This was one of the more heartfelt responses yet it was more difficult generating your result. We're all just gonna have to roll with this one
  21. I regret things I've said to family and done to them and others who I loved
  22. This site is always dead
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