I can hear Amy Goodman reporting on the future news story now
"The suspect, 20something year old Sonic Rican, has a long history of harassing women online and sending thousands of threatening messages to women using the dating website OK Cupid, where he made multiple accounts and used them to not only demand women go on dates him and insult and threaten them when they invariably refused, but also to send follow up messages weeks and months later to the women who had previously rejected and blocked him on the app, telling them they've "made a grave mistake" and "would be sorry" if they refused his advances again. Most of the women he targeted were under 21 years old. The United States currently has no law obligating dating sites like OK Cupid to report people with a history of using the service to harass and threaten users to the police. Advocacy groups are currently calling for such legislation to protect women, citing the Sonic Rican case as a 'wake up call.'"