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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. What's my opinion?
  2. NaBarney


    Net Kings
  3. You'll like adderall just make sure you snort it, eating it is a waste.
  4. Is your avatar the janitor's rat tail. That's hilarious. If Gemini replies to this thread again, his wife is going up as mine.
  5. So fucking terrible.
  6. Yep. $8 an hour jobs are a life raft in this shit system. But you can't live in a life raft. Or something like that
  7. There's a church literally in my backyard but they don't do free food. There's a ton of little churches near me, some might have shitty canned food or something like what I've been eating if you ask idk never asked but the ones that do free meals are a few miles away. I wouldn't do that though, don't *need* to. Should've just got EBT but now it's too late since I'm about to be full time at a bit more than $8 an hour
  8. They don't even know what they have. The freezer/cooler room is such a mess there's no way to tell what's even in there. Guy training me said they just guess when ordering stuff because no way to know. Big pile, like four pallets stacked over my head full of rotting food that was culled for not being perfect but still 100% fine and edible, was supposed to be made clearance but they've been understaffed for so long that it just sits there and rots. I asked where the clearance produce section is and he said they don't have one anymore it all just rots, most they do now is slap discounted price stickers on some of the salad mixes when they're about to go bad. Just made me sick
  9. I called in and quit today. Made twice as much as I needed to cover my car repair so I should've quit a week ago, but at least now I can afford some real food with the extra.
  10. It's because you're terrible, that's all.
  11. Both of the podcast's listeners weep in solemn appreciation for its many contributions. You really should call your parents sometime by the way.
  12. Don't do this. I need you to keep praying​ for my eternal soul to whatever Lovecraftian monster god you and Ted Cruz share. Are you saying you're not a real man anymore? Please reconsider.
  13. No please reconsider, I need to know you'll still pray for me. That's what real men do when someone insults them on the internet apparently
  14. <3 The funniest part is after this a customer and cashier brought to my attention that all, all of the bags of mandarin oranges were really old and moldy. I guess the customer was buying one and the cashier noticed the green oranges in the bag and tried to exchange it for a good one, only to realize they were all really old and nasty. A whole island display for them and none of them were good. So the dude could have been checking for actual bad items that need to be thrown away, but decided to bother me about miming it instead.
  15. I just wanted to talk about tomatoes and shit Not be reminded of my occupying a place in the Struggle directly next to Gemini the sentient ham
  16. Fuck you for working at the same bottom rung job as me and in doing so making me feel even worse about this dark period in my life than I already do
  17. It wasn't supposed to go down this way
  18. Listen you piece of shit, I'm being completely serious when I say this to you. The only reason I haven't named where I work before now is because of the deep shame and embarrassment involved in knowing you work there too, that in at least one way I'm on your level. Today was my last day though, I'm cashing out. No more single digit dollars per hour, and no more stepping into that piss hole for anything other than groceries. Enjoy your 10% discount off Psst! brand frozen nuggets, though. I'm sure that "perk" will keep your wife from realizing her mistake for an extra few months.
  19. Oh shit let's pool our money and get rid of someone really terrible.
  20. Today was day two of produce department. I was putting out fresh tomatoes that had come in that day. Earlier I also put out these same fresh tomatoes. All the tomatoes were fine. A supervisor came over and told me to always cull out bad ones when stocking. I was like I know and I do, but all these tomatoes are fresh and fine. He then smiled and loomed closer to me and said in a conspiratorial way that I should always cull some even if they're all fine because it makes the customers who see me doing it think our food is fresher. I was instructed to throw away good food to trick customers into thinking the food left on the shelf is good, which it is anyway.
  21. It's not going to be hosted anywhere. I mean, Jesus Christ.
  22. He wants to role-play as a professional wrestler.
  23. Who are you planning on killing?
  24. Let's wait, then. Wait for all the interested parties to show up. Every none of them.
  25. That's messed up they could've at least April foolsed you by saying it's a great idea they'd love an archive of the forum they deleted and would be in contact
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