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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. But I mean like is there a new server coming regardless of how much is raised, is it dependent on raising a certain amount of money, what is the cost, what will it continue to cost, etc.
  2. It loads all the time now at lightning speed as long as you click on the show new posts in FFA button. But yeah if there's more than like 2 people browsing any folder I can never get it to load quickly/at all using my shitty connection without clicking the Show only new posts in that folder button.
  3. And also what it's for specifically, the hidden slush fund element is sketchy even though everyone involved is trustworthy.
  4. If an official ASMB came back I would never post here again
  5. As if donating would result in material benefits even if we did.
  6. Only if we don't raise enough money.
  7. That money should go to me and my problems not the stupid site
  8. Can you include a button for users to donate money to my VenMo account? I'm going through a difficult time right now and every little bit helps.
  9. I'm feeling this.
  10. I'll upload a pic later today using the work wifi, my shit takes forever.
  11. The cups are for girls who have very heavy flows.
  12. I started a new job in the produce department yesterday. Our produce department's "freshness score" which is some ambiguous corporate bullshit metric is really terrible, so the orders are to throw away as much produce as possible when culling, in order to boost the freshness score. Technically a lot of it is supposed to be marked down and sold as clearance items but there isn't enough time in the day to do that so it all just gets thrown away. I'll have to check that documentary out. I kind of want to film one at work of just the shit I'm told candidly but I don't have a camera.
  13. Some girls wear these little cups that collect their menstrual blood as they go about their day. This girl's cup was full of blood so we finger painted with it on the walls and made a happy cat face. I don't really remember​ much beyond that.
  14. I regarded this as the coolest song I knew for like two years.
  15. Yeah that's where I'm at.
  16. Never stop posting in his threads
  17. Admin[/member] please change my name to NaBundy
  18. Great videos. Yours reminded me of two of my favorites from middle school. [YouTube] [/YouTube] I didn't know what this song was talking about [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  19. I miss all of Plastic Beach being on youtube in one video.
  20. Thanks man
  21. Man, honestly no.
  22. That car has been having some problems that finally became too unsafe for even me to ignore, and I only just this week have been able to afford to get it fixed. Should get it back tomorrow or the next day.
  23. That's why I keep emphasizing it. It's hilarious/crazy to me that minimum wage is still what it was during my first summer arter high school, eight years ago. I think my last $8 an hour job was several years ago as a temporary field trip tour guide at a petting zoo farm during their fall season. Got to get stoned and watch kids play and sit on a half hour wagon ride through the woods a couple times each day
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