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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. There is a cat drawn in menstrual blood on my bedroom wall. It kind of sucks that I'll probably never move out of this great apartment because the idea of someone moving in and realizing what it is makes me laugh. I want to wear a hidden camera and show exactly how much food goes to waste at my $8 an hour job. I think if uploading those videos became a trend among workers, our country would have to do something to at least marginally reign in corporate waste, which would result in billions of pounds of food going to people each year instead of the trash. When you get caught walking in the rain less than halfway to where you're going, don't turn back the way you came and try to get a ride from your starting location because the rain will let up and stop as soon as you get back there and so you'll turn around and begin again only to get caught in even worse weather and by that time you could've already gotten to where you were going had you just gone faster the first time it started raining instead of back, so go where you're going.
  2. [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  3. I took an accidental exhaustion nap as soon as I got home from work tonight. It's crazy what all you have to do for $8 an hour these days
  4. You have to know by now that who we have now is more or less who we'll always have
  5. I like you three best guards a lot, though that's a lot of money locked up in three very similar players. Not even gonna mention Evan Turner, other than I​ am legit upset at how CJ probably killed any possibility of Portland and Memphis ever swapping their terrible contracts out of desperation by correctly stating that Chandler Parsons is terrible.
  6. They moved my blueprint for how to get people on board with this approach to Dumpster Fires. http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/dumpster-fires/y'all-should-know-by-now/
  7. The government stole my whole tax return because I haven't paid back student loans.
  8. NaBarney


    I'm being serious. For $15 a head, a lot of cats are about to go missing in my neighborhood.
  9. Wack all-around
  10. NaBarney


    What the hell is a cat farm? https://knoxville.craigslist.org/pas/6061460449.html I'm about to start trapping some of these cats out here.
  11. NaBarney


    Check the Talent section under Gigs
  12. NaBarney


    No but I did see a local Craigslist ad for porn casting, looking for doods who would either do bi or fetish and it did give me pause. I wonder how much fetish stuff pays.
  13. NaBarney


    This is it.
  14. After his hilarious antics since returning to the Pacers, I am dying to see Lance Stephenson back in the playoffs.
  15. Buffalo cauliflower has been my hot chicken replacement since I stopped buying meat. It can salvage any mediocre meal.
  16. For me it was all downhill from like age 8 until about 23, then it steadily got better for a couple years, before taking a sharp dive downward again.
  17. They take a percentage of donations for themselves, which is a waste. There's other sites that don't take any % but they are sketchy seeming to people because they've never heard of them which makes people think they aren't like regulated as well or something. I don't see what's so hard about just sending me a few bucks via Venmo or PayPal in exchange for no services rendered, but apparently the whole of the internet disagrees.
  18. I'm just going to go beg/troll IGN's Vestibule board using my 14 year old account with only a few dozen posts. Usually I only post there once a year to celebrate my boardiversary and act like a veteran member of the community, the gag doesn't get old. Hopefully someone there feels bad and PayPals me several dollars. That's right, the $8 an hour job show is going on the road.
  19. It turns out there is one where you are allowed to ask for money but you have to be a regular redditor with a karma of at least 300. I don't have a Reddit account because I hate all the people there. Hmm. Is there any other site where I could write a funny sadsack post and maybe get a few pity dollars? I am going to investigate.
  20. Ride the Tussin.
  21. Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I
  22. There isn't really much of a night crew here.
  23. Cool just let me know when you're ready to hop off the unemployment train.
  24. Fuck yaa My $8 an hour job is hiring
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