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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I'm going to try and post this again.... let's see if it works
  2. sacrifices must be made
  3. Nah, we weren't each others types... for me he wasn't female for him I wasn't some term that I've long forgotten.
  4. Do eet! Anytime you can dodge the cess pool that is the majority of Walmart shoppers... it's a win
  5. 10! Assuming 10 is the highest My best friend always comes home for Christmas
  6. I had a gay roommate in College one day he told me to "quit gaying up our apt" All I had done was buy nice toilet paper, #8 on my top 10 most extreme laughing fits
  7. molarbear

    I'm bored.

  8. BOOSH!
  9. When I was in 3rd grade I had heard about "swinger's clubs" on TV and wrote a paper about wanting to join one. I thought it was a club for people that enjoyed swinging on swings..... Turns out of it wasn't and my teacher called my Parents
  10. 2016 wasn't completely terrible.
  11. I think Area 51 is just your usual military base and the Government keeps quiet about it to troll the fuck out of the conspiracy theorist.
  12. Final Fantasy is a great game, I'd suggest playing the GBA version if you want to beat it during your lifetime though..... Otherwise you're in for the OG of RPG grinding.
  13. She's going to have a really fun time learning to spell her name
  14. I drew an arrow with chalk on the sidewalk I thought the directions were quite clear
  15. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals
  16. I heard he was about to be a huge whistle blower on an article about the '72 Dolphins actually being Dolphins the Government experimented on with A metric ton of steroids, HGH, and gene splicing.
  17. Is there one? I figured they just shrunk to fit.
  18. about 5 2 were football related one I was camping and inebriated and tripped on the root of a tree and fell head first into it one happened on campus after an ice storm, I slipped on ice and the back of my head softened the landing for the rest of me. The first one I ever got was the most badass of them all though! I tried to ramp my Huffy off a crudely built ramp constructed by my brother.... the ramp broke, my front wheel got stuck and I was propelled off of the bike head first into a fire hydrant. I was 8, and I felt pretty badass getting stitches.
  19. Don't cut yourself short dude, if I was into guys I'd save you in my phone as side hoe #2
  20. there's 4 pages in this thread at the time of this post and I really don't feel like looking through all them to see if anyone has asked this yet... what are you drinking, and have you tried mixing it?
  21. this free for all event has ended, all the old people are crashing.
  22. www.tinychat.com/swimodin password is "notwelcome" not stolen, OP content we're shooting the shit and having fun....plus it's crackymckrackin... how can you not like the dude?
  23. I'm actually suppose to go fishing with Perseus sometime... I just haven't mustered up the will to drive 4 hours.
  24. I've ripped a man's heart out of his chest with my hand while chanting strange things. MOFO was trying to steal my Sankara stones.
  25. eh, even with alcohol it's not my thing. I love the smell of eggnog.... I just can't drink it.
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