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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I'd say harry was the most savage, hooking up with his best friend's sister behind his back.
  2. I feel like this is the moment where 770312[/member] should pop in and go "I have too many reptiles!" and we'd all laugh.... unfortunately she doesn't visit anymore. :'(
  3. To this day, I still don't know what a trap is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. If you could tell me what a Ciss is also, I greatly appreciate it.
  4. Did you check the bottom row?
  5. Dude, they're old school NES games what'd you expect? They're not easier, a few of them have codes for a continuation point, other than that, once your lifes are up you're done. To this day I've never beat Chip 'n dale rescue rangers or TMNT arcade game (I blame my brother for the latter, that fucker always stole my lifes)
  6. My problem isn't needing money (I'm pretty fucking good thanks to 2 years of working 6 days a week and hitting overtime around the 4th day), it's that I need insurance that isn't ridiculous living where I live my State refuses to assist the affordable healthcare insurance providers so all of them dropped out except for Blue Cross Blue Shield who claims they're losing tons of money my payments went from $120 a month to $360 a month for health insurance that has a $6800 deductible.
  7. I was terrified to click on this thread thinking it may be some disturbing >.> It looks like the dude's instrument has fecal matter coming out of the end
  8. .......Please, please, please make a video of the broom smacks ;D I use to get yelled at for ignoring my e-mails at work, they weren't as important as yours but... I still got yelled at. One time my supervisor even smacked with a piece of foam that we used to cover our parts, I jokingly told him I was going to tell HR and he called me bluff saying "No you won't, there's not HR on our shift and you never use your e-mail" It was one of those moments where there's no rebuttal it's just a "fucking well played dude.....well played"
  9. My old dog loved to unscrew the lids off of plastic bottles. It was cute and funny, and also pretty smart on her part. The only problem is sometimes she would grab bottles that still had fluid in them and then think that we were chasing her for fun... so she'd try to hide and open the bottle before we could find her.
  10. I don't know what leeks are and at this point I'm too scared to ask.
  11. That's an amazing game
  12. That's cool. I'm assuming she said yes since you didn't mention any awkwardness to the night.
  13. That's not a bad strategy at all. The only flaw I saw was dancing near a fence, probably ok if you're actually able to dance but I see that and think " 1 step, 2 step......and I'm now impaled by a piece of fence." I'm a terrible dancer
  14. Bruh, with that prostitute phone you gotta be Keep that pimp hand strong
  16. I r confused
  17. No, in fact... I'd probably just run the opposite direction from them.
  18. I got your 6
  19. I compare her to Jake Arrieta in my brain, dude went from untouchable and unheard of stats to semi human... errbody freaked out. She has lost 2 fights now and everyone is saying she should retire (which don't get me wrong, she was in the Entourage movie and one of the Expendables movies) I imagine not getting punched and making money is awesome. I hope she keeps doing MMA *if that's her passion, 2 losses ain't shit compared to her Win record.
  20. I typed in "homer hits puberty"
  21. I can't Karaoke, I had an angelic voice as a child once puberty hit it destroyed it.
  22. ine was pretty fun., my friend's birthday is the same night so we all went out to eat and then to the bar...... After that things got cloudy 9pm ish- arrive at the bar 10:45 ish- People keep buying shots 11:30 ish- I find out my friend's boyfriend is named Carl for the 14th time and immediately start making Walking Dead jokes 12:20 ish- I keep asking when the countdown to midnight is going to happen 12:25 ish- ask the bartender if she wants to build a pillow fort with me, she interprets this as a sexual innuendo and shoots me down (for some reason they had a shit ton of mini pillows in a basket on the bar, I was referencing those) ????- Walking to my Brother's house, birthday boy just starts walking off in a random direction saying "I know the way", he then pukes in the road.
  23. Looks pretty cool, have you see footage from Sea of Thieves yet?
  24. Final thoughts, it wasn't all that bad. http://sports.yahoo.com/video/cubs-win-2016-world-series-190755772.html
  25. I disagree. When I wanna play tag or hide and seek, my buddy's kids are always down.
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