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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I'm pretty sure that Batman tas started on fox, I remember watching it after power rangers.
  2. The movies shipped her with Neville, which seems more forgivable than her hooking up with a tie in character. It's hard to trust all of JK's calls for character relationships. She did the whole Hermione x Ron ship because those were the self inserts for her and her husband. However after the fact she had a bad divorce and regretted the ship, and claimed that she should have paired her with Harry all along.
  3. I think the Snes was better overall. It also had the super gameboy addon to play those games, and super mario Allstars which allowed you to play upgraded versions of nes mario games.
  4. Luna was best girl.
  5. HardcoreHunter


    Did you know that lighter roasted coffee actually has more caffeine.
  6. And I'm his friend Jesus.
  7. I used to watch it nonstop without sleep. Now I watch some episodes and the rest of the time it's background noise.
  8. Anyone else have this as part of their yearly tradition?
  9. Theres a lot of images on each page. Really it's more than you see from a lot of side characters.
  10. I think it has been done well before PPG. Usually it's not as extreme as in the cases of DT and PPG. In most cases it's either always a deep voice or a guy trying to do a feminine voice. Rare occasions I have seen them go just full female voice, but that seems to be getting more popular in anime since drawing boys like girls has gotten big the past decade. Hideyoshi from baka to test, Nagisa from assassination classroom (but isn't gay), Saika from snafu.
  11. I watched it, the main plot makes more sense as it didn't shoehorn in some white chick. However the camera work was better in the remake. Usually the case with most american films since they are all made on insane budgets.
  12. Going to just hang out with one of my friends, drink and eat chinese food.
  13. Checked sad panda, he has a gallery with 11 pages and two doujinshi.
  14. I post an image and it becomes 3 pages worth of discussion.
  15. I got out of it near the end of fusions being the last big thing. When syncro stuff came in it just got too complex. Some cards they tried to print a damn book on them for the retarded number of effects. What happened to the days when cards just had a short bio of what the card was, and only weak monsters had effects.
  16. Yes I enjoy it actually.
  17. The last time I was actually freaked out by a movie was 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead. My older brother and I both had nightmares about zombies attacking us. It's odd that zombies became my favorite thing growing up lol. Now I would say that ghost films tend to creep me out like the Grudge, the japanese just know how to make weird stuff even weirder. What makes it darker is that Japanese ghosts don't go by the same ghost rules that we think ghosts would go by in the west. The whole ghosts just want to be a peace and only will only attack so you leave. Nope, the japanese ghosts don't fuck around. If you even see a hint of one you are fucked. It will do whatever it can to kill you, or mess with you until you are dead. And when you die you either become a ghost or go to some purgatory like hell. I used to really like slasher films as a kid, but never got scared of them.
  18. It is at this moment that I realize that I forgot Awakening came out and haven't seen a new Underworld since Rise.
  19. c++ and csharp are both good if you want to get into it. I tried learning some stuff, but I suck hard at calculus which you kinda have to take in college for the degree. There are things called coding bootcamps that can get you a job as well as a college degree can, but you should know the basics before going in. Java is also good to know, but java don't pay the bills like the others.
  20. I use Razer blackwidow ultimate. It's nice to have a usb port on the side, but I never use the mic or headphone jack. Having wires that close to your keyboard would get in the way too often.
  21. Ixion Saga had a Trany that may or may not have had sex with the male mc. It leans more towards it happening.
  22. The main thing that you should know before going into Krampus is that it's a real slow burn type of movie. Even at it's climax everything seems like it's playing out in slow motion. Most of the fault with that I think is due to a poor family dynamic. None of the main group really plays off of each other well. It felt more like they did a couple of takes, said close enough and moved on. It becomes something where you don't care about the characters, and are just interested in what inventive way they will die. I think the PG-13 rating hurt it more than helped, when compared to it's R rated counterpart Trick r' Treat. However while I liked Trick r' Treat a lot of people did not, so I guess it can be up to preference. Still it makes me wonder if the film was always meant to aim for a 13 rating, or if they cut some things to make it 13 and broaden the audience.
  23. The three main ones were all released the same year. I would only say one of them was shameless in trying to cash in on unsuspecting people. There is Krampus and A Christmas Horror Story; which are both good. Christmas Horror Story seems more genuine, as Krampus is just one of the stories it has, and it does it's own thing. The horrible one is Krampus The Reckoning. Whoever made that film needs to kill themselves. The CGI from the mortal kombat film looks better than the garbage it tries to present as a film. Also the camera work just looks awful, it's all shaky and grained. It's like they filmed it with an off brand go-pro.
  24. CN needs to either incorporate their old library into the blocks, or make lots more shows. It literally is only blocks of gumball, steven universe, and teen titans go. I haven't seen an episode of Adventure Time on there in a couple of months now. We Bare Bears only gets shown once a week when it has a new episode. Clarence will sometimes go months without an episode playing, and Regular show has been getting phased out more and more. The last time I remember it getting shown a lot was October because it has a halloween special every year.
  25. Add it to the list of dead 2016 stuff.
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