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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. Really I could care less anymore if I have cable or not, so long as I have internet. The rate though for internet alone is just about as much as cable with internet. Any TV show I watch can be found online within hours to a day.
  2. Also read an artical that was oddly worded by the Director playing it up. As well they said that this is only for the live action Lefou and did not retcon the animated version which seemed like an odd statement. The director said that Lefou was going to be depicted as coming to terms with his sexuality, that Gaston was both the man he wanted to be and the person he wanted to be with, and that there would be focus on his inner struggle and coming to terms with his true self. Really as strongly worded as that was I'm surprised it's just a dance scene. Makes me wonder if Disney looked at the film and said "cut this, and that, and all of this, dance scene can stay, cut this". Still like I said prior Disney has the final say and will do what they think will make money. The hype now got a lot of lgbt to see the film, but didn't have anything major in it to piss off parents that don't want their kids exposed to gay in kids films. Disney gets all the money; Disney wins again!
  3. HardcoreHunter


    Thirty Seven, She sucked Thirty Seven Dicks!
  4. HardcoreHunter


    Now I'm depressed and have an erection, this day can't get any worse. (in walks family, extended family, pastor, scout troop, and a news crew)
  5. HardcoreHunter


    I remember my older brother and I beating this game. It felt like such an accomplishment. All the puzzles and stuff were crazy at the time, the game was impossible for one player. Max was fast so he was usually stuck with the bell to distract enemies and sometimes kick a block at them. Goofy is stronger but slower so he usually got the hookshot weapon. I remember the raise the roof victory poses we would do when solving a level or beating a boss....God the 90s Least favorite items were the candle and shovel. The bell at least had a consistent use. The candle could only be used in the dark and leave you defenseless, and the shovel was only good for finding health. Interesting when you think that the creator of this went on to work with capcom on Resident Evil. Makes sense with all the puzzles.
  6. HardcoreHunter


  7. The western market can't make them the same money that the japanese otaku will pay. In japan a boxset can run $180-$300 on average compared to our $49-$80 standard. Kara no Kyoukai has sold for $1,000 and Maison Ikkoku has sold for over $2,000. For an example Dragonball super raked in last week 1,233,000 viewers. (this isn't every single western fan just a sizable sample) One 12 episode box set released at $180. I am pretty sure funimation is going to set this at $50, so the Japanese sale is 3.6x more expensive based on those figures of what funi has listed past anime at upon release. I believe in rounding up, so for every single copy sold in Japan the west would have to sell 4x that. So if every single person viewing that night buys DBS upon release it would be like 308,250 Japanese buying a series. A more realistic number would probably be 30-40% of the viewers will actually buy the boxset. The more generous of those percentages would be the same as 123,300 units sold in japan. That is $6,165,000 gross western sales, according to your link there is a 30% royalty ( I have never heard of a royalty being that high it's usually 10-15%) which means they are getting $ 1,849,500 from the western market. If it were the more realistic royalty of 15% then it's just shy of a million dollars. This is of course not counting the fee that is paid just to acquire a series. This varies series to series for example welcome to the NHK was licensed for $240,000 while Guyver cost shy of $750,000. Pretty much the money from the western release of a high profile anime barely covers the cost of a single season when Japan gets their cut. An that's high profile blockbuster anime sales for us. Less popular shows barely pay for the clubs they use to beat their animators with in comparison; let alone our horrible manga sales.
  8. I just picture him talking like Clint Eastwood from the Gran Torino movie. I think the connection was intentional. Cranky old man set in his ways having to set a young asian kid on the right path.....Oh no...This is giving some major death flags for him in the future.
  9. So far these are the main character interactions I have been seeing. Wish they would break tsuyu and deku out of best frog forever zone, but the artist seems to already have his mind set on ships. The one green arrow is supposed to be purple probably easy to figure out which one.
  10. As in outright out of the closet I haven't seen anyone in the series have a fullblown same sex relationship. The closest your friend is probably talking about are one of these two, one is flamboyant (but seems to act this way towards men and women), and the other is into manly things, so he is often hanging on the other guys or getting too pumped up over something manly which makes them uncomfortable. (height is not to scale)
  11. Give it time, it will have more letters sorry if it was mean though. Still when you get down to it the lgbtq is as split as heated political parties for the most part. Maybe it's because most of the ones that I know are in the bi category and tend to get the most judgment. Much like how in the S&M community it's frowned upon to switch roles, you are either an S or an M, despite some people being comfortable as either role. I do know some older (60 something year olds) lesbian and gay people who despise the bq part as much as any strict conservative. Mainly they feel that they fought hard for their rights in a time when they were really being sexually oppressed. Then these groups just latched onto their group which they feel weakened their cause to be taken seriously. They however are for the most part are removed from current "gay culture". I also know an old Queen (it's at least his preferred term) that is more flamboyant, but also pretty judgmental which I don't know if it's supposed to be ironic at times. Gives off a very Tim Curry vibe and used to run a porn store and a bar. My friend has been seeing a bi girl who has lots of lgbt friends (didn't say q because the gender identity thing turns into a 3hr argument amongst themselves). Which is funny on how much they cry about others in the lgbt community shunning them. I think that it can be agreed that the bq groups of the lgt are more prone to SJW acts. Which has gotten to a point of backlash from most. From how I see it the movement is too varied to truly market towards the demographic as a whole. Disney has to think about their largest target demographic and the lgbtq community tends to not have kids that buy merchandise compared to the nuclear family demographic. This is much like how everyone was screaming "Bring back Boy meets World/Full House". So they have Girl meets world and Fuller House and people watched it for a few episodes then interest dropped entirely. Same happened with Nick's the 90s are All That. It was hype for the first month then interest died. Now it's just Hey Arnold reruns most every night because it's the most hipster liked nicktoon. Some people like the idea of some things more than the execution of the idea. We realize that we enjoyed something because we were in that demographic and the stories were written for us at that time. If Disney now pumps out a movie that kids will like it has to ignore a lot of what adults want. There is a lot of cartoons now that I think are focusing too much on current events and nostalgia pandering rather than telling a timeless story. In 30 years kids may be watching Steven Universe and need a damn history lesson of the roaring 20s 2k edition to understand all the references. SU also has the issue of overshooting the demographic aiming more for the collage group. Adventure time did the same thing and tried too hard to pander to a large and varied fanbase, and now it's on it's final season.
  12. Read my post, a western distributor/streaming services revenue isn't shared with the animation studios or creators. The publisher gets it's chunk of flesh when a company like CR or Funimation buys the distribution rights to a series. The series may have a royalty fee, but that is rarely the case these days, but was common in the 90s. Today most series are bought on a lease agreement for a set period of time. So if I buy 1000 anime tittles from Funimation 100% of that money is going to funimation. The producers, studios, and creators aren't going to see that money because the producer has already gotten their agreed upon amount. In a way you are supporting the Japanese industry vicariously. By supporting funimation/cr/etc they have more money to give to the Japanese market and acquisition newer shows. However you don't really get to pick where that money is going after the western distribution company has it. As for manga sales they are trash outside of Japan at peak year of manga sales in the US the largest it has come is 5% of the numbers that Japan gets. Numbers are in Units sold in 2013. That means on average it's less than 3% of what Japan makes from internal manga sales. Fairy Tale Japan 490,00 USA 2,700 One Piece Japan 3, 100, 000 USA 5,200 Naruto Japan 1,200,000 USA 18,000
  13. The only trade evos that are a pain are the ones that need a held item. The other ones you can usually get by putting up another simple trade evo pokemon or a version exclusive.
  14. I hope that if they ever have to kill off a character in the future that it will be belly button guy. I think the mangaka was drunk/high when thinking of that one. Defiantly the most underused hero in the class.
  15. I think it's hard to compare a character who was trying to change and accept a different lifestyle, to a company that is looking out for the most profitable next move. They realized that they can pander to furries and did well with zootopia. It was less of a jump for them as anthropomorphic animals have always been one of their things, but the undertones and marketing were targeting that demographic. Zootopia as I had ranted in the past is a mediocre film, but makes a lot of money because it panders long and hard. The best things it has going for it are visual design and voice talent, but the story is uninspiring buddy cop film cliche, and the pace felt like they slapped two films together midway through. There is also the issue that the lgbtqyz has started imploding on itself because too many groups are latching onto the movement. Anderson Cooper has been targeted the past couple years for not being "gay enough". Then there are the ones that hate the whole bisexual thing, and think that the transgenders are looking for justification for a mental illness. An gender snowflakes that want to be segregated for some reason. Just a whole lot of self persecution going on in the group. An Disney has to market towards that...How? It's like having sex with a cactus, there's no easy way about it, and you'll probably end up worse off than had you left it alone.
  16. Pretty much a one year streaming subscription is the price of one series boxset. I wish they would start adding in blooper reels and other incentives to actually buy the blu-rays. I bought Sekirei recently just because it's going to no longer be in print and not be on funi's streaming service anymore. Really though supporting western sales only helps the western market. The japanese creators and companies don't get money after the western company pays for the rights. From what I have read about manga sales is that world wide is a drop in the bucket, not even worth counting compared to japans sales.
  17. I buy blu-ray/dvd's and pay for funimation/netflix/amazon streaming. I used to buy manga, but it's too expensive and releases too slow.
  18. Why is a retcon of a forgettable villain toady reassuring? If anything they should be trying to make compelling new characters that people will like. The issue is that Disney sucks anymore at creating good villains. The last one that I can think of that is somewhat interesting was Syndrome from the Incredibles. Other than that all of the good ones came out in the 90s. I think the fault stands more on pixar's line of story telling. It tends to be more about a journey and self realization rather than overcoming a foe. The few villains that they have used sans Syndrome aren't usually that major of a deal, and lack personality.
  19. Fairy Tale repeats itself a little too much. However it has some of the best looking girls.
  20. I remember the funny anti-anime ones that people would lose their shit and pout over. Especially the one where they talked about how how they hate anime so much, which is why they send someone to japan to negotiate deals, and pay lots of money for the rights to show it, and make bumps to advertise the anime.
  21. Stop being tsun, you know Zeni loves you the most.
  22. You already have the power, just stop posting.
  23. In a reddit ama a long time back according to Jontron's wife was that she and Suzy fucking despise each other to the point where it was interfering with shit. So when they say that Arin and Jon didn't have a falling out, they technically didn't . Really any ethnic stuff wouldn't have caused a drift at all. The one joe and mac episode with Arin and Jon had to be edited because Arin kept making rape and N%G$@R jokes. Arin has made Holocaust jokes with Dan, among other things. One of their warm up exercises before shows is to say " I hate black people" and "Jews did 9/11" to loosen up. However the whole thing for them not working together is their wives. Suzy get's pissed about it, but Jons wife is very open about it. I think it's because Suzy doesn't want to be blamed for breaking up the group. Really I don't know what they argued about, apprently though from what people have said is that Jon's wife was more of a bitch and a loud mouth.
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