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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I wouldn't assume looking for a life's purpose is inherently masculine ... because why would only men be looking for purpose and meaning?
  2. When I've said men are useless I don't even think it's commentary on what being man is specifically ... more commentary on their ability to be a full adult or an equal partner in a relationship. For alot of people a stay at home spouse isn't feasible so if both parties are working then both parties need to contribute to home life. You were at work all day? Well shit me too ... so you too can take your ass in there and do the laundry, make the meals, clean, shop, take off work to take the kids to school/parent teacher conferences/doctors appointments, if y'all not wearing lingerie to keep sex interesting keep your beard and hair up, pubes tamed, get on the internet and find out what a clitoris is and if that's still not helpful, purchase a quality rabbit Now if you wanna talk about what the aunties be talking about when they say men are useless
  3. Gonna take you 75 years to finish Monster.
  4. I find it super interesting watching documentaries about cults. How they all start out religious, then all of sudden the cult leader is actually Jesus ... and then guess what cult Jesus wants? .... sexual assault
  5. Girl what is a salt potato
  6. How my mother's day is ending: 10:21pm - I'm minding my own business, thinking the spawn is in bed where he should be. I turn my head ... he's just standing in the hallway What do you need? Him: I wonder why my wink(penis) is so small Him: It's smaller than usual and it scared me .... please go to bed because I have no answers
  7. My kid brought home a card they made in school and it was full of lies. He said my favorite food was carrots I like to dance and I'm 31 .... none of these things are the truth
  8. I ... fell asleep like a loser
  9. 3rd Baldur's Gate run ... and I have accidentally killed so many people this run
  10. .... oh you mean an elective you wanted to take? I took a class on Dante's Inferno for like 2 weeks and then I realized it was dual credit class for upper division humanities and Italian and I dropped that shit I took play therapy and intro to swimming
  11. Philosophy Psychology Elementary logic ... all the Gen Ed requirements honestly especially biology and the accompanying lab
  12. My mom was complaining about not wanting to throw my stepdad in a nursing home because he'll see it as her throwing him away and I immediately went ... so I think I might've pissed her off
  13. It's so humid, my hair has puffed up 300%
  14. Resident Evil is more like an action game to me ... as long as they give you a gun and bullets I'm fine. The last game that had me scared was Dead Space .... but after a minute and acquiring some PTSD that too can be an action game. Now when they start you off with a fucking can of air freshener and a lighter I get nervous
  15. The friend sitting on the couch with his wife trying to figure out why you're video calling him nekkid
  16. Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion
  17. Vamped


    Yeah ... I gave it a chance in gamepass ... and uh never went back after a few hours in I need a stronger narrative in games for me go get invested. Then ... for some reason game developers can't seem to make these single dad character romances ... not weird. They wait for the single dad to tell you how their wife died ... and then BAM! You gotta flirt RIGHT NOW! Cause nothing gets me going like a dead spouse. You said she had pneumonia and died?? Got killed by bad people looking for you??
  18. "I'm sorry you cried for a whole day"
  19. I had no idea that left Jason Todd's life up to a fan vote. They had these children going through it
  20. Resident Evil is the sole reason I have PTSD like flashbacks whenever I hear a Chainsaw going
  21. Ah yes ... lump me back in with those losers Thanks though
  22. Kimi ni todoke Kids On The Slope Kono oto Tomare Wotakoi Fruits Basket
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