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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Have you accepted he smashed that lady on your massage tablet yet? Cause they definitely banged on it
  2. Oh ... I didn't even click the link. I was just reacting to the general dislike of country music in this thread. Y'all can keep all that AI stuff to yourself
  3. The one with the mental illness ... I think yeah it's only a handful of y'all running pretty low numbers on parenting in general
  4. Sounds good enough to me. If you're not expending time and energy toward fueling hatred and it is, what it is ... seems like acceptance is good enough. I also dont think people need to forgive on anybody else's time frame/ schedule either. You get to it, when you get to it ... or you don't
  5. Hey nah man I fucks with Dolly Parton and Randy Travis ... especially when he was Travis Randy in Hey Arnold
  6. Sure he'll think about .... after the excitement of the party is over ... probably.... hopefully
  7. I haven't bought a tie in a long time. Actually trying to think what they would wear one for now ... I guess a funeral ...?
  8. You bunch of dads. I hope you enjoy your socks and like... power drills
  9. Why? It's not like they're using actual blood on the commercials
  10. Desperate times call for desperate measures... slap some ben-gay on those knees and get out there
  11. Like what?
  12. I'm not bending and I'm not stooping. I just want to pop my leg up and the seat is right at my cheek.
  13. As a tall woman, I'm never crawling down into a vehicle again. It's only up from here
  14. Temps as high as the propensity for racism.
  15. ... the south?
  16. Dang ... the city got into an argument with the EPA about who was supposed to be funding the vehicle inspection centers and .... they just stopped doing them here. You just get your license plate and renew your tags every year
  17. Chicken salad. Slap that chicken in the instant pot
  18. Of all the things out there to be cautious about "underboob" and "balls" is nothing. Plus the only time we watch "TV" is when we're on vacation in a hotel. I did notice when we were in St. Louis one of the pad commercials changed from that blue liquid to red and I was like ... thank God my grandpa going blind because he'd have a heart attack lmao .... now if they say pussy or dick then we got a problem
  19. Probably for the best because that sounds like a shitshow
  20. I don't have to punch anybody, I can just get in my car and leave when someone gets out of pocket
  21. I don't know what her real name is ... I just know her as Nurse Ratched. Same as that man that played General Zod in the Superman movie with Henry Cavill. No matter what he is in I'm like Oh hey, it's General Zod
  22. Damn ... was the food good though?
  23. Take that damn money, you worked for it. Ain't no way I'm working for free
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