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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Yeah it’s kind of bonkers that WarnerMedia is letting them air two movies that came out in June and July if this year. The kind of bonkers I love to see. Not surprising to see a Fena marathon on October 30th. It’s an original that has done well, so a marathon was all but assured. So they can finish MHA on November 6th and either start a new show, double up something or rerun Fena at 2:30am after Shippuden, start Black Lotus on November 13th and then add another show the week after at 12:30am (and at this point I’m banking on Demon Slayer).
  2. Or if they did temporarily, it’s back now. https://www.adultswim.com/videos/cowboy-bebop
  3. Looking good so far. I'm quite a bit more interested now.
  4. Well I suppose it's not impossible that if they prioritize the dub of Demon Slayer, that it could start airing on Toonami by November 6th. FUNimation doesn't really have a bigger show to focus on this Fall and Aniplex has attempted simuldubs before. They might be able to manage being 2 weeks behind Japan and then Toonami can have it a few weeks later. That's a pretty tall order on multiple accounts though. I totally missed the mark with my November 6th and October 30th predictions, go figure. But let's say for whatever reason Demon Slayer is off the table for now. Here's another option and I'm going back to the old ToonZone way of formatting a Toonami schedule for this one. October 23rd 12:00 AM - Fena: Pirate Princess #12 (Finale) 12:30 AM - My Hero Academia #112 01:00 AM - YashaHime #16 01:30 AM - Food Wars #70 02:00 AM - Food Wars #71 02:30 AM - Naruto: Shippuden #360 03:00 AM - Dr. Stone #31 03:30 AM - Dragon Ball Super #31 October 30th 12:00 AM - Jujutsu Kaisen #1 12:30 AM - My Hero Academia #113 (Finale) 01:00 AM - YashaHime #17 01:30 AM - Food Wars #72 02:00 AM - MegaloBox 2: Nomad #1 02:30 AM - Naruto: Shippuden #361 03:00 AM - Dr. Stone #32 03:30 AM - Dragon Ball Super #32 November 6th 12:00 AM - Jujutsu Kaisen #2 12:30 AM - YashaHime #18 01:00 AM - YashaHime #19 01:30 AM - Food Wars #73 (Finale) 02:00 AM - MegaloBox 2: Nomad #2 02:30 AM - Naruto: Shippuden #362 03:00 AM - Dr. Stone #33 03:30 AM - Dragon Ball Super #33 November 13th 12:00 AM - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #1 12:30 AM - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #2 01:00 AM - Jujutsu Kaisen #3 01:30 AM - YashaHime #20 02:00 AM - MegaloBox 2: Nomad #2 02:30 AM - Naruto: Shippuden #363 03:00 AM - Dr. Stone #34 03:30 AM - Dragon Ball Super #34 November 20th 12:00 AM - Blade Runner: Black Lotus #3 12:30 AM - Jujutsu Kaisen #4 01:00 AM - Assassination Classroom #23 01:30 AM - YashaHime #21 02:00 AM - MegaloBox 2: Nomad #3 02:30 AM - Naruto: Shippuden #364 03:00 AM - Dr. Stone #35 (Finale) 03:30 AM - Dragon Ball Super #35
  5. I really think a decent solution for Saturday's ratings woes would be to throw on a DC animated film every week around 10pm. There's about 40 of those things now so they could avoid repeating one for a long time. But that comes down to WarnerMedia throwing Adult Swim a bone. Maybe they'll be open to that without Family Guy to fall back on. On the other hand, Toonami has lasted this long by being self-sufficient enough to keep around so perhaps working with this lower ceiling will pan out because Adult Swim doesn't have to keep renewing a very expensive licenses for 20th Television cartoons. Regardless of how those ratings look, I'm pretty confident that Toonami will continue to broadcast on Adult Swim for several more years. Plenty of other cable networks stay on the air with lower viewership than that. My one hope is that rather than curling up into the fetal position after losing Family Guy and running out of long running anime to rely on, that they will use the lower expectations as a reason to try new things. They have a steady stream of original series coming and if they pair that with a solid mix of new and old anime then they can build a really great block. I have no expectation that doing that will greatly improve their traditional ratings but it should suffice to keep them on the air.
  6. Perhaps but they are airing the 2014 Michael Bay produced Ninja Turtles on their ACME Night block on CN so maybe they could get Batman vs TMNT some day. I think the TV rights might still be with Nicktoons at the moment but I honestly have no idea. I'd sure love to see Batman vs TMNT on Toonami though. Red Hood is fantastic and Batman Ninja is a sight to behold. These are good picks for another DC night. Glad Fena isn't getting pre-empted but since MHA is, they'll either have to double it up on October 23rd to finish the same night as Fena (and stave off replacing Black Clover another week or two baring a marathon). I'm thinking they'll do a marathon of My Villain Academia on October 30th and if they don't double up MHA on October 23rd then they can start the marathon with the final episode of season 5 then repeat the six episode villain arc and maybe throw in the episode right before that to cover 7 slots. Alternatively they could marathon Fena or some other show. I'm pretty confident Blade Runner: Black Lotus will replace Fena but I have my doubts they'll want to do that on October 30th. They could have done this way smoother and promoted DC Fandome before it actually ended if they did so on October 9th. Then they would have really needed to double up Clover. Oh well.
  7. Yep, as of today Sling has the right schedule for Saturday. So minor crisis averted... this time. They really should not cut it so close though, especially if its just to decide which episode to restart DBS on. But since it was just DBS, they didn't post an update on Facebook at all. It's technically not a change and therefore they don't need to post the schedule on Facebook. I would like to another line-up promo before mid-October though. They updated Dr. Stones bumps last week so they might update all the other bumps soon. While I was looking forward to a Toonami without Dragon Ball Super, it's probably for the best that they keep it around for the 3:30am slot. They don't have many good options for recent shows to rerun and probably won't have many good options for that early in 2022 either. Keeping one rotating rerun slot open for Fena, Black Lotus and whatever else is sufficient. While I am all for cycling in FLCL sequels, IGPX and maybe GITS and some Adult Swim originals (namely Primal) they might as well keep using DBS for as long as its still under contract. DBS would be better used for 8pm (if they get that back in 2022) or to give Samurai Jack a break on weeknights but it's pretty ignorable at 3:30am on a Sunday morning.
  8. Well I sure hope they do. Right now Sling lists a single Rick & Morty airing from 11:30PM-4AM. There's not many days left for the grids to get updated.
  9. They clearly have no faith in the other handful of series they can rerun. It’s whatever at this point. I’m just mad that the TV grids might not be fixed by Saturday. They should have finalized this schedule weeks ago.
  10. Early One Piece is at least easier to tackle than DBZ but it’s hard to imagine a convincing Luffy with rubber powers. But I’d love to see them pull it off.
  11. Seems likely enough that a Fena rerun will replace Dr. Stone season 2.
  12. That might happen but they can always run a marathon on Toonami instead.
  13. Adult Swim has taken Cowboy Bebop off of their website and app so they probably just lost the broadcast rights. So much for that 20th anniversary run I was hoping for.
  14. Seems like it would be easier to manually set one episode every week than to manually cancel the other four. But I suppose you might forget to set it some weeks.
  15. According to TV grids, Shippuden turns the clock back to episode 320 on Monday (actually Tuesday) at 5am. That’s not very far back from 355, just 35 episodes. Since they run 4 a week they will catch up to Toonami again early in November. I’m a bit surprised that can do a third run of those 35 episodes but I’m guessing they can rerun episodes more than once as long as they are still under contract. That’s probably a year but then you’d think they’d go 50 episodes back in that case so who knows? For now they are still rerunning Shippuden.
  16. Nice to see such a good week for Fena. I hope it keeps that up!
  17. Yeah they might be doing that but they could certainly start that sooner than November, perhaps replacing DBS in September.
  18. I was really banking on a 20th anniversary of Cowboy Bebop broadcast starting September 4th but Dr. Stone season 2 reruns are a very acceptable choice. Maybe Bebop will replace Super.
  19. I have mentioned this before but I want to say again that all the other ways viewership are measured through cable and satellite services and slim packages is data that the network sees and acknowledges. They don't just care about Nielsen ratings.
  20. Adapt Outlaw Star? Firefly already exists
  21. It should not affect Toonami but Adult Swim probably loses the 8pm hour that entire week.
  22. Toonami catches up another week? Very nice.
  23. Toonami is gonna have a rough time staying relevant but it’s not going off the air any time soon. So really there’s no reason to worry about it.
  24. Exactly. Harley brings the views because it’s Harley. Not even every DC series will draw that many viewers.
  25. Well there’s no doubt any number of DC series or films would appeal to a broader audience than YashaHime, Fire Force, Food Wars, Dr. Stone, Promised Neverland, Assassination Classroom and Black Clover do. There are some anime that are popular enough to compete and let’s not pretend Castlevania, MOTU Revelations and even Voltron Legendary Defender would do fantastic on Toonami just because they aren’t anime. The DC brand is way stronger than those. Same with Marvel and Star Wars. Marvel’s What If would do very well for Toonami but that’s not in the cards.
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