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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Yeah they should have saved Taz Skylar for the role of Eneru. I'd like to beat the living shit out of the creeps that are saying Emily shouldn't be Nami because of her figure. 😠
  2. Yeah it's a Warner Bros movie so it SHOULD be free but it's understandable why someone might assume otherwise given there were several Warner Bros owned shows and films that Toonami wanted to air but couldn't afford at the time. But things are different now and they seem to be able to get Warner Bros movies and shows at no cost under certain circumstances. That's how it seems anyway. It's an exceptional level of doom casting to suggest that Attack on Titan's remaining episodes will be the last acquisition made for Toonami and 2022 will just be that, the original series and continuing Shippuden. They're not THAT broke.
  3. Given the critical lows the Fena marathon reached and the only modest performance of the Batman films, they might actually just want to avoid preempting the regular lineup even if they have to keep doubling up YashaHime. But more likely they do have a show to start on December 4th and/or November 27th.
  4. Maybe they won’t air it because it’s from the 80s but yeah that’s a head scratcher. Toonami on a Friday is cool and odd. Perhaps plan A was to run this on Saturday but they changed their minds for whatever reason.
  5. I hear this guy was in one of the live action Kenshin films as Enishi. He’s no slouch with a sword.
  6. They look thoughtfully cast. The producers are clearly listening to Oda’s input.
  7. The first episode of Demon Slayer season 2 is standard length. I believe the 7th one will be double length.
  8. Make no mistake, I would not be pleased but I probably would not be that frustrated by it. Especially if they’re running more movies. But if they hold off on starting new shows until January I would rationalize that they are doing that to ensure they’ll have new content while they wait for the 2022 budget (they don’t get that on January 1st). And maybe whatever show they are getting isn’t ready till January regardless. I think we can look at the doubled up YashaHime as potential evidence that they aren’t giving up on starting a show soon because they could have just started another rerun if they had nothing coming. On the other hand, doubling up YashaHime to finish it sooner could be looked at as preparation to close up shop. So hell if I know.
  9. Nah, they’re probably getting season 2 and want to finish season 1 a bit sooner.
  10. At this point you gotta wonder if they are trying to make us think they’re about to go off of the air or at least lose an hour or two. They so far haven’t announced a marathon for November 27th but there’s no reason they can’t do one. If they have to wait till December for Demon Slayer then it is what it is but geez what a waste to start Black Lotus with nothing else.
  11. It's real disappointing that they aren't airing Black Out but I'm intrigued about the short that will be airing. Basically no surprises in that November 13th schedule, they surely could have announced it with the November 6th one. The big opening now is on November 20th, hopefully they announce something for that soon. It would be a real waste not to pair a new show with Black Lotus.
  12. There’s nothing exciting about this update. We can only hope the show presumably starting November 20th is a great one. Whatever it is will probably be announced by next Friday if not a bit sooner but their focus is clearly on Black Lotus right now, which it should be. But that doesn’t mean they should avoid announcing anything else till Black Lotus starts airing.
  13. They potentially could have waited, if they had another premiere ready to start. Take that as you will.
  14. “See see they don’t have any new shows coming! They’re sunsetting the block quietly.”
  15. As expected, double MHA. Not surprising but still disappointing, Fena reruns replace a premiere. At least for now. The shorts block is probably all the Rick & Morty anime shorts. This forum continues to hate my posts.
  16. Yeah I feel that. Always disappointing when I actually watch a whole Toonami block and feel like it was a great experience and then I see that it did about as well or usual or worse than usual.
  17. Dunno about that but the HD version is what's on Adult Swim's site and app right now, complete (or incomplete rather) with a shortened "Tank" which is just a crime against nature.
  18. Well it only aired after 2:30am and it beat Black Lagoon when it was at 3am (probably due to DVR but still). Who knows how well it might have done at a decent time on Toonami?
  19. Batman Ninja doesn't have a great plot. It's mostly spectacle. But it's pretty entertaining and definitely a sight to behold.
  20. I would think a quick-turn around for Demon Slayer season 2 would be a pretty big deal (and trust me it's possible that's happening in November) but beyond that there's not many big shows out there that they could air and that's fine because lesser known shows are a welcome change of pace from Toonami chasing after every Shonen Jump series they can get. Isn't it more exciting that it's harder to predict what they're going to do? We've gone so many years when Toonami almost exclusively picked up sequel seasons and shows from established franchises and rarely dug deeper. Now they have a good opportunity to flex their creative muscle the way they had to when they first got rolling in 2012 and 2013. I look forward to seeing how they can surprise us in the coming months and years.
  21. Sure, you can always lose impatient viewers by putting a show on a 3 week break but I'm pretty confident that most Toonami viewers who are STILL watching have plenty of patience. But 3 weeks off is habit breaking? Really? That's a very short hiatus for a television program in the US. It's not like they regularly take 3 weeks off in a row and they tend to only take of 7 or less a year total. Any other TV show in the US should be so lucky. You'll be back after 3 weeks so chances are people who dislike this will also be back. As I said, Toonami viewers are already pretty dang patient. If not, then they would be watching everything they care about except Fena's dub on FUNimation or Crunchyroll and not bothering with Toonami. You can't really argue against the practicality of waiting till November to start whatever shows they have coming. Nor the practicality of fixing their schedule dilemma the one hour premiere of Black Lotus creates by running two more Batman movies on the 23rd and a marathon on the 30th. Now they can just run both of the remaining episodes of MHA to fill the midnight hour on November 6th and have a clean break from that into Blade Runner rather than cause additional confusion by displacing a currently airing show when Black Lotus premieres. I think they saw how that didn't pan out so well with the Fena premiere pushing MHA and everything else a bit later that night only for it to snap back to the usual time slots a week later. We saw how that hurt the rest of the line-up and so did they. It's arguably in their best interest to avoid that situation happening again and they can easily do so by holding off on replacing MHA until November 20th.
  22. That's true of literally anything else Toonami could possibly air including the current regular line-up. Toonami isn't just for one kind of viewer. It's good when they are able to branch out a bit and air other action animation than their usual. The usual will always be back because it's largely what they have relied on for the past 9 years.
  23. The timing probably makes this look like scrambling but I very much doubt it is. They had to promote DC Fandome and a marathon of Fena was practically a given. Maybe they could have ran the regular lineup on the 23rd but it’s arguably more sensible to not stick a regular lineup between two weeks of event programming. After all, if Black Lotus had to wait till November 13th they had several issues for filling the midnight hour until then on top of starting the show that will replace Black Clover. We were racking our brains as to how they would do it without resorting to doubling up shows and possibly airing a rerun of Fena or MHA in the midnight slot on November 6th. An extra night of Batman movies is both a nice treat that’s not the usual programming and a good way to fill the holes present till November. It makes for a smoother transition from now till mid-November. I don’t think they need to be in a rush to start more shows. It’s better to do that cleanly than to start a new show in the midnight hour and then move it 1-2 weeks later for Black Lotus. That doesn’t do a new show or the regular viewers any favors.
  24. If DC movies will only air whenever WarnerMedia has something to promote, that also has its uses. I’d rather see movies every few months than every week to be honest. But there’s going to be enough DC stuff to promote that Toonami will probably settle into a trend of airing 6 or so DC movies a year usually with 2 back to back as they have been.
  25. Who knows? Maybe these film nights are a test to see if it’s worth running a bunch of DC movies (and shows) on Toonami. I can’t think of a better way to expand Toonami into prime time in a way that would help it draw a crowd. And they’re willing to run these movies all the way till 4am so imagine a Toonami that caps off with a DC Film at 2am after the anime premieres. Sure beats reruns at 3am.
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