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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. hows your mental?
  2. well if i sat and ate whole pizzas by myself in one sitting like some people in this thread maybe id know that?
  3. mmmm lwc *lick* *lick*
  4. My face is still a little bloated because of the bladder pills but oh well
  5. Holy shit...imma delete this...its a legit gift from God
  6. Im glad i moved cuz my world was getting too small when the baby mama of my life long friend who i slept with while he was engaged was working with me and on my team at work lol it was surreal. We all hated her and i had to work with her
  7. I believe songs exist on another level of consciousness...its why drugs help...they alter you and bring u to that level. **nevermind. Copyrighting this shit
  8. could be but being forced to come back here was either because heaven got boring for me, im trying to do the right thing by this person or because im being punished.. i dunno.. i need a psychic!!
  9. lol .. its just fucks with me becuz i dont even want to believe in reincarnation. i wanna go to heaven (which i do believe in)
  10. it does! i have another pure oils mixure of coconut oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil and peppermint for my daughter.. i love it .. shes getting used to it.. but it smells amazeballs!!
  11. i even have these "ghost memories" like intense feelings that i did certain things that i know ive never done.. and i want really badly to do them again but they didnt work in a previous life and i know it wouldnt work now.. its flipping weird man and depressing because i dont want to keep coming back to this Earth trying to fix whatever i need to fix with this person to move on... life just takes too much energy
  12. i just bought some tea tree oil last week and its really helping me not scratch my scalp. i bought the pure essential oil and mixed it with jojoba oil
  13. hes very close but defintiely his sense of what is proper hasnt grown in yet
  14. is he Gen z?? seems like something a gen z would do
  15. yah but it aint african... im talking african safari with giraffes and tigers and elephants
  16. no .. dont tel lhim thats not really a shower curtain per se.. his world will be crushed and ew.. what if little buddyroa or buddy jr need to pee while dads in the shower
  17. *looks excitedly at phone*
  18. you are amazingly talented!! i hope my daughter can one day do this stuff, too!!
  19. you dont have a middle name
  20. my mother had a heart attack 5 years ago... the fact taht she had one at 80 is kind of a good thing.. it doesnt mean the end of her life anytime soon.. i promise you. my mom recovered in a matter of days and was back home. they checked her arteries a couple of weeks and found no blockages and she smokes half a pack a day.... im sure your gamma will be ok
  21. ok my god ... all.. whatever zeni is... do not look the same. i can obviously see thats not our precious zeni
  22. Who is this sexy white boi?
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