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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. deal, bitches
  2. why do they tell us these people steal technology from us? theyre GODS
  3. yes... a keratin treatment was actually sitting right next to it but my hairdresser told me to do a protein treatment i thought keratin treatments were for white gals?
  4. i always pick the 2nd one the ONE time i was like "uhhh" my eye doctor of 20 years was like "HURRY UP I DONT GOT ALL DAY!!""
  5. lol.. i mean, im a legit headcase and i managed it .. im sincere in saying anyone can do it. im someone who wouldnt leave her bed to go pay traffick tickets and didnt pay bills and shit i was so depressed but i managed to get my ass one of the best eye doctors in charleston lmao
  6. If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!!
  7. Find yo a real doctor, foo i pay 12.43/month for VSP.. go to VSP.com and sign up, foo. They have other plans
  8. after the treatment, i blew dried my hair and like 2 or 3 hairs had popped loose omg... why did i never know to do a protein treatment to stop my hair from breaking off because of all the chemical treatments? that shit is like a miracle drug how long do i have to wait between protein treatments?? definitely doing them regularly so i can grow my hair really long!!
  9. you should go to a more up to date optometrist... my doctor doesnt do the air puff anymore... they do something kind of unnerving still but not as bad as the eye pull... the place this blue thingie right on your eye... but you cant feel it!!
  10. why are you asking me? i didnt say it
  11. typically national guard folks have another job other than the national guard
  12. boy the weather is just straight up weird these years
  13. i want the african version
  14. You should watch the movie Mother
  15. At least im not supporting throwing kids in cages
  16. Thats why i have a real job
  17. My bed is featured on the front page of the stores sales paper. .have u seen it? Its very nice.
  18. Sooo much dried up jelly in this thread lolol
  19. wow shes sick of you already
  20. no you didnt "get me" little internet man. dont you have a life ruining ceremony coming up soon?
  21. quit cyber stalking people
  22. I was closing with The Expert for the first time and they were clearing the store and parking lot as i was counting down my til. I hear "whose truck? Whose truck is that? Cynthia is that your truck?" I was counting so only half my brain was working so i go "i drive a crossover suv" But The Expert kept saying "Truck this. Truck that. Only rich people drive trucks." this tickled me to death and i stupidly say "its paid off, too!" And she "ohhhh she rubs it in. Imma have a talk with Ms. (Hr Manager)" Aaaand the jealousy begins. If y'all got real jobs and weren't such slackers, youd have nice things, too. And this was after id worked the register by myself because no other cashiers like to come in for their shifts on Sunday (which is a big reason i even got the job)
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