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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. its not big things.. like carry all my laundry in.... mount my tv... stuff like that.. yes he only asks for a hug. . for big things i pay him.. like when he helps me with madisons room
  2. starting to get wrinkles zeni.. u gotta get more sleep also, i think the booze is starting to show in yo face
  3. *imagines dresser walking in door with husband*
  4. no she said the bra was stuck behind the dresser for over a decade
  5. i dont understand. if you bought the house recently, how is it that things are stuck in it from a decade ago?
  6. also i like to note that you hanging it from the flagpole is just the kind of crazy thing id do and now i like ya even more kid
  7. like i ask him to do something and i dont wanna pay him he makes me give him a hug and i do it if my mom found out shed kill him but i need him to help me set up madison's new room and i want to pay him but im tired of him hitting on me.. its gross. dude looks young but is like 60 LOL im starting to doubt the whole not getting married
  8. oh shit..fuuuuuuuuuck
  9. so what if she got fat. . she is still of worth (hmph!)
  10. youre the best naraku, foo
  11. go to their website and put your email in!!
  12. what? i can make up shit, too. maybe if you actually gave shit about stillme more than mooching off her and making her pay your bills youd both be happier see? thats me not minding my own fucking business and talking about shit i dont know anything about. how do you like it?
  13. yup yup but ive ostracized all but one brother. i cant remember looking forward to seeing anyone but him lol
  14. wow. you are looking forward to meeting family??? must be nice enjoy your trip!!
  15. im sorry. whats wrong now? do i need to murder/kill/maim somebody?
  16. aww shit. crushing those deadlines!!
  17. . rain makes ya wanna sleep allll lday
  18. its a typical bipolar answer when u think about it LOL but i get tired of saying how awful i feel and people dont like to hear such things anyway, ya know??
  19. bipolars acting up.. yay!!!!!!!
  20. im sorry. i know u have a lot on your mind with family in the hospital. i hope things improve soon!
  21. dont insult me with a good time
  22. Since when do i go to sports bars?
  23. yum yum https://www.pinterest.com/pin/452259987576002855/
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