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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. theres a health care provider form that i gotta get filled out, too
  2. what do you think? this is the letter i wrote. Would you forgive my balance?? Dear Student Accounts of CSU, I am writing a letter of appeal of my balance that is currently on file at CSU from Spring 2007. The purpose of this letter is to describe the reasons I believe my that all or at least a large portion of my debt with CSU should be forgiven. I will try to be as brief as possible for I realize you may be busy. In the year of 2000, I was admitted to MUSC psychiatric ward after a traumatic reaction to medication I was on for severe depression. I was then diagnosed as bipolar. Because of the intense adverse reaction and weeks of hospitalization, I decided after many failed attempts, to stop taking medication for illness. I also did not seek any treatment in kind for the illness. Fast forward to 2005 I attended CSU and had a successful first semester. I had good grades in all classes. But going into 2006 my mental health begun to seriously decline. I felt extremely exhausted and loss all my abilities to concentrate and my schoolwork was impacted greatly. I recall pulling out of my classes, if I did not fail them altogether. I tried to continue my education and I faintly remember signing up for a class but then I got sicker and was incapable of pulling myself together to cancel the class – simple tasks are extremely difficult when you are very depressed and I just did not have the energy or decision making capabilities to unregister myself for the class and it caused me to have an outstanding balance ever since. I know this was my irresponsibility, but I had very little control over my actions and no support at school or home. I also was ashamed of my mental illness and could not seek the help I needed. I am now medicated and feeling much better these days and that’s why after all this time I am attempting to set my affairs right. I understand if CSU deems me responsible, but I am pleading that if you can not forgive all, please forgive some portion of the debt for I am now a single mother and need all the assistance I can get. I need to go back to school and get a degree so I can better provide for my child’s future. Maybe one day she can also attend your amazing university. Thanks for all your considerations.
  3. i signed up for a class, completely lost it. . and wasnt able to unregister myself i was so out of it.. . this was 2007 and im finally letting them know what happened in hopes for appeal so i can get those credits when i go to get my bachelors in finance wish me luck if they dont forgive it, i will just fucking pay the balance.. ugh ... lol
  4. put em up put em up
  5. People are flipping the fuck out BUT many are realizing how amazing NIN is finally....so im loving it lol Right Where It Belongs is one of the most amazing songs almost no one gave its due credit.
  6. Today at work i only said it to dudes who had kids...and then guys who are alone i asked if they had kids after i said it to one man and he said he had pit bulls and no kids...married something something years and no kids blah blah
  7. Happy Father's day..seriously ...you are a great dad despite all the shit I say lol
  8. The pt being i know who the father is.
  9. 😳
  10. Today a customer bought "sour patch kids EXTREME" and we both were like: how can they get even more extreme
  11. Mom mom let him wander around me when i was a kid.
  12. Thanks for saying this. It makes me tremendously sad sometimes that he can't wrap his mind around the fact he has a kid
  13. See ya Dorothy
  14. She don't even think abt him. Shes that happy. I know it wont last but i didn't expect it to last this long. She doesn't even ask abt him.
  15. Imma take this as a gappy father's day to me too since i play both roles
  16. Wtf Phillies. Quit being such a fucking jerk
  17. Me: dont put things on your face. .it add more germs and bacteria and youll break out Her: bacteria is everywhere Me: yes but you dont wanna put something you never wash on your face Her: uhhhh bacteria generally loves warm places and this is cold metal
  18. My last died when madison was a baby
  19. I don't sell them...i help people manage them...im also a death claims specialist. I don't work at ollies
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