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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. tell me why would they decide to put the regular lineup on pause for three weeks? as i said before this is the first time this has ever happened....at the most we've had two weeks without the regular lineup we haven't had a show marathon so far this year aside from the dc mandated Harley Quinn S1 marathon skipping most chances they could have one this year....so the sudden inclusion of a halloween marathon shortly after two weeks of batman movies does seem odd
  2. yeah they are but A Fena Marathon right after two weeks of batman movies really makes it seem like toonami has nothing lined up and they are desperately trying to buy time to find something this is an example of a stalling tactic
  3. in that they know what they are doing.....because putting the regular block on hiatus for three weeks is something that's never happened before if you only care about the regular lineup then that means an entire month will go by without you watching toonami
  4. this kind of decision doesn't inspire much confidence
  5. too bad dallas reid(asta's va)quit live tweeting black clover on toonami long ago once it's time slot became too late for him to stay up would have been cool to see him live tweet this
  6. guess that shows you how much of an afterthought it's become to toonami
  7. anyone else bummed toonami probably won't mention on air next week's the series finale for black clover? some people assuming the anime will be back soon and that's just foolish in my opinion
  8. I Don't mind these but I Always hate when they happen because it's usually an obnoxious commercial to get you to subscribe to hbo max or in this case pay attention to the dc fandome event....even though it's already over by toonami's start time so nice going idiots....getting toonami to promote something after it's concluded
  9. my mom really doesn't like this story(She watches television to be entertained and get some enjoyment....Psycho Killers Versus Psycho Killers isn't really her idea of enjoyment) but that's just her opinion
  10. if that's the case then why promote DC Fandome after it's over? there's nothing for them to participate in once this starts
  11. I Wonder how many people are actually excited for DC Fandome anyways
  12. which is why nobody should be thinking "how can toonami/adultswim get that casual audience back?!" if they only came because due to reruns of family guy they could watch elsewhere....then there's not much adultswim could have done
  13. why is the casual audience so turned off by anything that isn't family guy? that's the better question.... it not being on adultswim shouldn't mean "Welp I'm never tuning into adultswim ever again"....but for them it did
  14. it isn't like cruchyroll was being very nice to the block previously....they barely gave toonami anything before sony bought them
  15. the only reason anyone here even pays attention to these irrelevant ratings is because we don't see the ones that actually matter....adultswim has more data than just The Nielsen Numbers so just remember that
  16. i suppose i just wish that wasn't the case because then it means more cash-grab events like these will happen...turning toonami into A Gigantic Commercial with a big sticker reminding you "HBO MAX! Exists Go Subscribe Now!"
  17. again what's wrong with what i said? if the casual audience has to be tricked into watching toonami then its clear it's a battle that toonami was never gonna win anyone who disagrees has not been paying attention.....old ass family guy reruns you could find elsewhere disappearing from adultswim shouldn't tank toonami this badly but it is and that just proves that the casual audience couldn't care less about toonami without something like family guy getting them to tune into adultswim beforehand
  18. the television landscape has changed drastically to the point where these ratings might as well be irrelevant to anyone outside conspiracy theorists who wanna use it as proof that toonami's gonna be canceled in favor of more rick and morty reruns!
  19. how am i an asshole? it's true there's nothing toonami can do if the casual audience needed to be lured onto the block by family guy starting ahead of it if someone has to be tricked into watching something then don't be surprised when they don't care once the bait you have isn't enticing them to tune into adultswim at all on saturday nights
  20. why does the casual audience need to be tricked into watching toonami? if they have to be tricked into watching it then that means they had no interest in the block whatsoever without being lured them by family guy nothing toonami can really do if the casual audience thinks it's shows are Too weird And Japanese for them I Don't take Nielsen Ratings as seriously as some people due to how the system works and how small of a sample size it is.... that sample size audience only stuck around because they were too lazy to change the channel and now without family guy to lure them onto audltswim they aren't watching it on saturday nights anymore
  21. and what sucks is It'll probably have ratings that destroy anything that normally airs on toonami because the casual audience that Nielsen Surveys finds anime either too weird or just too Japanese for them
  22. sucks that toonami caught up to funimation and we didn't get a topical promo for this episode
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