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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. Toonami Really Needs part 2 of AOT Final season asap with demon slayer S2's dub being something they can't really count on being ready next month
  2. i feel like every schedule update now just gives him more ammunition and until the block gets better He's gonna rant and rave in his usual shit posting manner
  3. the fact she got away with it for so long is nuts
  4. did you read what i even wrote? back then we didn't know toonami had multiple deals for new shows fail and had no other choice but to constantly stall.... now that we know....rushing to finish Yashahime S1 makes zero sense especially if it wasn't just a matter of "bad luck with contracts" but also budget issues as the WM budget resets 1/1 and i don't think multiple shows are gonna debut a week after that
  5. I'm not complaining i simply asked what was stopping them from saving Yashahime S1 For January since it's doubtful they'll fill those slots all at once and there's nothing to gain by rushing to finish it sooner i said i was wrong about the complaints i made back then and that i now realize marathons are crucial they are a requirement when toonami finds itself needing time for numerous reasons this one being...they are running out of content to air and won't have anything new until 1/8 back then we didn't know Toonami wasn't getting anything except for black lotus the rest of the year back then we didn't know multiple deals to acquire new shows fell through so that comment i made is very outdated at this point with the information we have now i see that toonami had no other choice but to do what they did and stall for a month which is why I'm confused they are dumping Yashahime's three remaining episodes in one go on 12/11 as if they'll have numerous shows ready to air by 1/8
  6. Well I'll say this then I Was Wrong I'd Take an entire month of marathons over this gladly and compliment Jason Demarco as The King Of Toonami And Adultswim if i could I Was Wrong I'll never complain about marathons ever again or move nights they are amazing the greatest decision ever compared to this nonsense and i can't believe i was so stupid not to see how good i had it I'd take having rick and morty shoved down my throat as a toonami special event instead of Yashahime being quickly flushed down the toilet like it's some stinky turd we need to forget about everyone of us should scream and cheer whenever there's a marathon instead of terrible crap like this
  7. if I'm honest yeah given the choice between doing a marathon then coming back for one week just to finish off Yashahime before going away again until 1/8 and an entire month of marathons I'd prefer a consistent pattern even if it's one i don't like rather than marathons/movies except for one week in the middle where they burn off all the remaining Yashahime episodes like they don't want it to be hanging around come January
  8. nowhere did i scream "Toonami's dying! waaaaaaah! People are gonna ditch the block entirely for streaming due to this WAAAAAH!" I'm simply saying rushing to finish Yashahime S1 so soon makes no sense unless They already have Season 2 locked down for that time slot
  9. also adultswim aired the animatrix back in 2004...just a little note
  10. i think some people online would literally throw themselves through a window if they marathon fena again
  11. so what was stopping them from simply holding onto those last three yashahime episodes until january? some say maybe they had to air all these episodes by a certain date but i dunno....
  12. it's gonna be weird seeing what they decide to marathon...because i wouldn't be surprised if we see another blade runner marathon
  13. I've seen some speculate it'll just be a bunch of reruns because Demarco simply said "wait until the new year for new ongoing content" and didn't specify a month although i think it's a bit too early to say Toonami's gonna be a shorter block filled with reruns for much of next year there's also speculation on if 1/1 and 1/8 will both be marathon nights just 1/1 or neither
  14. well considering toonami isn't getting any new content until january there's probably a bunch of marathons planned for december just to stall for time until the budget resets
  15. which is weird because someone online noted that the generic adultswim bumpers are a bit longer than the toonami bumpers(3-5 second difference)
  16. and that desperation is likely to make people sick of it if they keep spamming it like this
  17. at this point the fact we're getting a third blade runner marathon after a second one happens on toonami is ridiculous... did we really need another one?
  18. any ideas what all of those shows that fell through were?
  19. back then one could say it seemed like they put more thought into what went on the block unlike now where it's just "What's the hottest trending shows on social media right now?"
  20. some wonder if this would have happened if toonami wasn't so insistent on only going after Popular Shonen Content
  21. I Agree right now an announcement would really help morale and keep the vibe from getting too negative especially since a month of marathons with no news until January will likely result in the typical crazy fan theories
  22. That's something Jason Demarco will not tell us...all he can tell us is
  23. so pretty much confirms it right here...They are some issues getting new shows they had planned to air and now they gotta stall until january
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