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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. someone tweeted about "what about a potential partnership?" and demarco said netflix isn't interested in working with us
  2. first there was the news that Netflix scooped up Jojo Part 6 and then The Toonami Harley Marathon just ends without actually ending....
  3. so can anyone confirm this for me....does DC/WB Consider Harley A Villain or An Anti-hero? because i don't think even they know...she's a hero in the comics but acts far more villainous outside the comics which goes against the push they made for her to be seen in a more positive light and as Someone trying to reform themselves to better the city around them
  4. He probably is....i mean he's probably thinking "Great...now what does that leave us?!"
  5. did ya know after a series of seizures he doesn't even recall working on Malcolm in the middle or much of his other projects? found that out randomly online one day
  6. guess that means No More Jojo For Toonami
  7. the court of owls happened...so there's that
  8. eh for the moment but in the long run i don't see it working out well because HBO Max's price doesn't leave much room for other services and it's not so great it could be your only one
  9. Hearing all the bleeps downstairs is getting annoying
  10. six censored bleeps already.....was this really a good idea? someone needs to be yelled at for this shit this is why we shouldn't have had a season 1 marathon for HQ because it's bleeps galore now
  11. That Doesn't Mean a mountain of people will subscribe to hbo max because of this stunt which is what they are probably hoping for.... HBO Max is one of the more costly streaming services and has some steep competition so it's not like they have the edge over disney or netflix Disney has nostalgia working for them(Plus star wars/marvel content)and netflix is the classic streaming service the one that initially kickstarted it all HBO Max Doesn't have the nostalgia power that Disney brings to the table and that's a key factor here
  12. and how many are gonna do that because of this? doesn't seem like these hbo max promotions on toonami have helped much if at all
  13. Yeah It's not really much of a priority for me either...besides I'm not looking forward to all the hbo max commercials
  14. will you watch or will you be skipping tonight?
  15. which is depressing because You'd think the more popular stuff wouldn't need disney attached to them to garner mainstream interest...
  16. same comments also say that Blade runner was more of A Suspense/Thriller movie and less so an action movie
  17. Yeah I Know that but i suppose like an idiot I Keep thinking Of Nationwide as "You'll be able to see it at the nearest theater no problem" because typically that's what it means for most movies in the united states that are labeled that way(Limited Releases Being the opposite) however i should have known there was no way Any Anime Movie was going to be shown at most theaters these days instead of a select few it's still anime after all and no matter how popular it's become You Can't just Put The Demon Slayer Mugen Train film on in a relatively small town theater where interest is probably very low
  18. yeah that's probably it...thank you i suppose my problem is Nationwide Anime Movies probably don't mean the same as Nationwide American Movies Demon Slayer Mugen Train Showed in 1'600 theaters across the country(by it's third weekend it added some to 2'800) which is probably better than most anime films that get released in the united states these days but that doesn't mean You are guaranteed to be able to see it at the nearest theater
  19. only 1 vote on the poll and it's to rate it 7/10
  20. was that a nationwide release? i don't think it showed near me
  21. Someone whose quirk is "quirk negation" is easier to implement as a character than someone whose quirk is "i can control my opponent"
  22. Shinso(As He Appears in the joint training session) .....now how the hell do you put him in the game without him being too strong or too weak? his quirk is brainwash....
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