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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. regardless of what it is...taking the entire month off would be very disappointing this decision isn't something that should give any fan much confidence that there's anything exciting to look forward to anytime soon how many weeks has it been now that we've been saying to ourselves "this week this week we've got to hear news about new shows!" only for toonami to pull out another stall tactic
  2. was hoping this wasn't gonna happen but really does look like they are gonna stall until January... really testing the viewer's patience though
  3. Now if you mention adultswim alongside anime....I've noticed some people just pretending you didn't say anything at all some of it could be annoying yes but there was always the chance You'd stumble upon a new favorite show...something that's not the same with streaming services unless you just randomly pick something without thinking about it and i don't imagine most people do that there was a certain charm in watching adultswim anime because it meant you were up late at night and had nothing else to do
  4. still i can understand those being gone but not even acknowledging anime in bumpers whatsoever is bizarre....like they can't even say "Blade runner black lotus this saturday!"
  5. still though i remember when they would casually mock anime fans all the time during bumpers and make random comments about anime... now? they don't really do that anymore and i wonder why
  6. probably wouldn't see them doing this again as they don't really seem to poke fun at the anime they air as much as they used to
  7. well here's a positive...the BR2049 movie night on friday november 26th there's a theory that originally that was meant to happen the 27th until toonami actually managed to secure some new shows so they put the movie night on a friday and afterwards run a normal toonami perhaps the shows wouldn't be ready to air until december 4th with it being a last minute deal...requiring them to double up on yashahime again it's just a theory but when you think about it a toonami on friday doesn't make much sense unless it was originally set for that saturday and had to be put on friday when plans changed
  8. and apparently there will be a nine hour marathon on thanksgiving...
  9. this mystique around the block has got to stop if it's just gonna be something mundane and boring like "Double Yashahime!" two weeks in a row
  10. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-11-11/woman-charged-for-selling-6.5-million-yen-in-unauthorized-demon-slayer-cakes/.179475
  11. not saying they are but rindou just seems to be crazier about food than the other women on this show besides i don't see rindou as being the athletic type more so the "Where's the food?" type
  12. imagine someone's food is sabotaged and judges start shitting their pants
  13. i can see her going down that route eventually....her love for food will only grow
  14. rindou seems like the kind of character who would get very fat later in life
  15. so the toonami discord informed me that most of these Voice actors are low level c-list actors.... did they not wanna spend money on voice acting or did they use all that up before they got to that part?
  16. so will it be a marathon or will it be the normal line-up? I'm thinking normal line up with a new show because hiding a marathon or doubling up yashahime again makes no sense
  17. I Had thought that myself(otherwise it would make no sense to do this unless toonami's run by idiots)but of course toonzone's moderators are dumbasses who like to spew such crapola as "Avatar The Last Airbender is more iconic and popular than Naruto" or "Anime Isn't Anywhere Near Mainstream in the united states" nobody cared to correct them because anytime they do they are threatened with a ban just for telling mod what they said isn't true so they simply let them run around screaming that toonami's gonna die because of a blade runner movie airing friday november 26th
  18. You Gotta wonder though(and someone on the cursed toonzone/anime superheroes forum said it)how much did this cost toonami if anything?(below is the statement) "I think this is the first mega budget Hollywood blockbuster ever aired on Adult Swim as the only other live action movie I can think of that they ever aired is the Room. It always seemed like Adult Swim had a way lower budget than most networks as if they had the budget, I think they'd downplay animation in favor of Harry Potter, superhero, John Wick, Adam Sandler, and Transformers reruns ad nauseum like every other cable network. Okay, I'm glad Adult Swim seems like its the only cable network that hasn't succumbed to modern cable network trends. This is just a one time special occasion to air a live action movie and, even better, it's a movie outside the cable network rerun pool.I'm very surprised they aren't airing it on Thanksgiving Saturday to stall for the budget reset, and I am wondering if this movie is what drained their acquisition budget so badly as a Hollywood movie is probably worth as much as three or possibly even four anime series. We still don't know the Saturday schedule and what will air. Will we get a new show, a marathon, or double up Yashahime again?"
  19. I think it's silly to say MHA Referenced that when La Brava's small size is never really mentioned nor is it a vital part of her backstory
  20. Even Brief Nudity is too much because this is still airing on cartoon network no matter how much promotional material states adultswim is it's own network outside ratings that is it's still airing on cartoon network and as such has to operate on the logic that "Little timmy could accidentally stumble upon this and get his mother yelling at adultswim"
  21. maybe they actually managed to get a new show?....because if the schedule for 11/27 is shown tomorrow and it's just more doubling up I'd have to wonder what was the point of putting the blade runner night on friday if saturday they were just gonna do the same thing as 11/20
  22. unlike season 4 which ended on the endeavor vs high end nomu battle cementing his place as the new number one pro hero in japan season 5's season finale seemed lame in comparison if the order had been shifted around then maybe that wouldn't be the case however studio bones thought MVA would make for a better story to conclude the season instead of endeavor agency i can see why they thought that but in doing so it screwed with a lot of stuff
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