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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. wasn't that long ago i rewatched the 4kids dub of the original shaman king anime and compared to other hackjob dubs they had done around the same time Shaman King was nowhere near as bad regardless the new shaman king anime has had not so favorable feedback from fans mostly due to how rushed and lackluster it feels(this has 52 episodes as opposed to the 64 episodes the original had) it jumps from scene to scene so rapidly it'll make your head spin so i wouldn't use it as the best example....this is a low budget production
  2. why does demarco always feel the need to post crap like that?(it's much like the time when he put A Voice actor on blast for something he said back in 2009 about adultswim's jokes at the expense of anime)
  3. because those people(like this guy in the tweet above)think funimation hates that anime is Japanese and wants to hide the fact the characters are from Japan i don't recall them ever pretending anime was american and that stuff like MHA Wasn't set in Japan
  4. same...it really makes you realize how outdated toonami truly is when they find themselves losing shows that have become a staple of the block to A Streaming service like netflix
  5. yeah we know mistakes happen but i think what makes this mistake worse is the fact that It'll never be corrected this was a one time deal to air harley quinn on toonami and The S1 Finale not airing at the end really ruined what was meant to be a promotional hype night for HBO Max And The Suicide Squad as such it's hard to really say "Wow That Was Really Great!" because even if you did enjoy the marathon the fact the season finale didn't air and simply repeated episode 4 probably put a sour taste in many people's mouths
  6. the theory was Jojo's just too weird for the average american but it doing so well on netflix proves that isn't the case... so i guess it really was just the case of "I Want all the episodes now!" because that's the only reason i can think of why the average american hated Jojo On Toonami but liked it on netflix
  7. it would probably meet the same fate as the once planned swat kats reboot
  8. Yes I Know that but with standard television becoming less and less relevant...that's gonna be the norm for all shows and movies The TV Networks are already seen as quite outdated so i see less variety in the line up's and fewer new shows as a result(Most New Ones hitting streaming services instead) Physical Movies/TV Shows are just for the really nerdy collectors these days so i can see fewer and fewer of them being made only leaving the ones for series people will pay good money for leaving the option for everyone else to go down the pirate route or subscribe to numerous streaming services at which point the culling will begin because i can't see the industry sustaining so many streaming services at once without several folding and calling it quits
  9. Netflix has big stacks of cash and they feel like throwing them at whatever anime they want toonami unfortunately cannot compete anymore and have to settle for shows services like netflix don't want that's the sad truth toonami has to start picking up more obscure series because the popular stuff is just gonna be gobbled up by netflix
  10. they haven't really shown any desire to wanna release stuff like wandavision or loki on blu-ray anytime soon https://www.cbr.com/disney-no-current-plans-release-marvel-shows-dvd-blu-ray/
  11. it just seems like now even the popular stuff takes it's sweet time coming out if it's a streaming service series Disney's Stuff is clearly Popular enough to warrant a release but they probably don't see any need for that when they are doing just fine on disney plus
  12. It Adds up over time and that's an important factor here HBO Max isn't at the point where it's the king of streaming and can be justified as the sole service for somebody especially if you are an anime fan
  13. and yet Most Streaming Service Shows seem to have a difficult time being released on blu-ray....if they are It'll take a god awful amount of time the chances of the Marvel Disney Plus Shows being released on Home Video....seems close to zero I Like Aggretsuko but no way netflix is releasing that on blu-ray
  14. or they can just buy it on dvd....HBO Max is one of the more expensive streaming services so i see some just using a free trial for this maybe...and then not renewing it at the end because $14.99 a month isn't great for a streaming service
  15. like what happened with tuca and bertie netflix canned it and now they are hoarding the rights for season 1 which adult swim cannot touch at all even though they are the ones that rescued the series and netflix couldn't care less about it anymore they still wanna hoard that first season
  16. someone apparently didn't remember the season finale....which screwed up the entire marathon and had it end by replaying episode 4 WB only gave toonami the rights to air harley quinn for one night so that screw up was pretty big especially for those who had The Marathan Set To DVR
  17. I Don't....there are too many of them as it stands and subscribing just to watch one show and add on another bill to pay isn't a fun idea especially since streaming services have the habit of rotating shows in and out....or outright removing them for one reason or another once upon a time streaming was seen as the better alternative to cable...now it's becoming just as bad if not worse due to every company wanting a streaming service and everyone's favorite shows being split off into different services they have to pay monthly for
  18. what sucks is this is the one time Demarco said anything about it and that was his sole response nothing more nothing less DC Doesn't want to give them anymore time than they already have given toonami so this is clear DC/WB couldn't care less about toonami functioning properly and concluding the marathon with the season finale they already got to promote hbo max...so why should they care if some anime dorks didn't get to see the season finale(S1)for Harley Quinn on some tv block they probably see as expendable?
  19. it was a one night thing and it seems very doubtful they can air the season finale(episode 13)to make up for what happened during the marathon so anyone who wanted to see it last night....well go subscribe to hbo max i guess
  20. also here's another screw up that happened not too long ago...the credits for cartoon network's apple and onion airing in a small window on screen during rick and morty It Makes you wonder how demarco thinks he and the rest of the toonami crew are going to handle this knowing that at any time netflix could gobble up whatever anime they wanna pick up for the block they could always aim for less popular shows but they need popular stuff and unfortunately that popular stuff draws the attention of streaming services that wanna scoop it up first i could see WB/DC being apprehensive about further promotional events if they think Demarco's team couldn't care less if the right episode aired or if the block glitched out while doing hype work for hbo max
  21. He's gonna have his twitter account flooded about this most likely....irritating him greatly but really how does this crap happen? did nobody check this crap out before it aired...did they actually have the final episode of season one on tap or not? well they were just being a bit too optimistic because they didn't want to support netflix maybe(for the reasons I'm thinking due to splitting up jojo part 6 potentially in small batches)and Jojo not on toonami at this point feels weird but demarco made it clear they have a lot of money but toonami doesn't they literally cannot compete with other streaming services if netflix throws a bucket of cash at chainsaw man then Toonami can't do anything about that...they just have to hope netflix isn't interested in anything they want and as for the marathon....I Can Imagine DC/WB telling them "We gave you this to air as a promotional event and suddenly we wake up to an ocean of angry fans....what the hell happened?!"
  22. DC/WB has to be pissed about this...this does not make for a good hbo max promo
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