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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. One Piece really seems like a show they picked up because options were limited and it would indefinitely hold down a time slot they wouldn't need to worry about rotating shows in and out for hence why doubled up one piece seems to be a permanent fixture on the block moving forward but the main reason one piece returned is because Toei still sees value in american cable tv and thinks it greatly benefits something like one piece where as sony is busy telling toonami to piss off and get content somewhere else because catering to a block on cable tv does them no good when they can just keep all the new content exclusive to streaming
  2. because now sony has funimation aniplex and crunchyroll they can charge whatever they want for those shows and toonami will either have to pay up or find something else if sony isn't interested in working with toonami anymore then that's a lot of content toonami wouldn't be able to access outside maybe older titles that are on the cheap Sony most likely doesn't see the benefit in airing demon slayer season 2 on cable television when it's popularity means people will happily subscribe to a streaming service to watch the dub
  3. and considering sony also owns Aniplex and crunchyroll it's not just new funimation titles that toonami could be missing out on and here's the tweet
  4. i think this is probably the best free to play game I've played in a very long time....spending money is optional as you can build a somewhat competent deck just by playing the game and acquiring currency over time there's also a crafting system where you get rid of cards you don't want to craft ones you do want
  5. yeah the idea of toonami in the united states airing aew just seems nonsensical
  6. not sure why right now isn't a good time though...funimation has always been a reliable provider for the block we all know why sony isn't budging on demon slayer s2 but not budging on any new funimation content right now is just strange
  7. not sure how this became a running joke on this site when there's never been any indication toonami could be airing aew anytime soon
  8. it is a little strange that they hyped up a new show to be on the block every week for a month or so but then 1/29 has nothing
  9. excluding attack on titan final season part 2 of course(since the contract they made long ago prompts it to air first on toonami) i ask because all the tweets demarco has been sending out don't sound all that positive about the current situation at toonami mentioning several shows falling through(not just demon slayer)how the packaging budget has been slashed and how toonami will need to be different/more experimental moving forward but does that mean we can write off new funimation content coming to the block after AOT Wraps up? in the recent additions to the block we got 1 older funimation series in AC S2 A Sentai filmworks series(made in abyss) and an older funimation series that toei gladly gave them for exposure on american television none of these really do much to debunk the fan theory that funimation titles as well as CR/Aniplex titles(excluding the CR/AS partnership originals)are off limits
  10. two things changed....1: sony acquired crunchyroll and 2: the demon slayer mugen train movie made so much money that second one most likely led to them wanting to keep DS S2 exclusively streaming because it's a major money maker and toonami likely couldn't afford to pay the price tag they'd put on it even if they were willing to give it to toonami so it's not so much that sony considers them competition...as much as it is they see no incentive in working with toonami now i guess seeing how much money they can make from demon slayer if they just kept it to themselves and since demon slayer wasn't the only show toonami was denied it's likely that toonami got denied a bunch of funimation shows as they are the dominant dub company in the united states and typically air the most content on the block
  11. what happened to the funimation relationship is that sony probably wants to keep the newer funimation content exclusive to the funimation now streaming service demarco confirmed sony was blocking them from airing demon slayer season 2 and several other shows fell through around the same time so it's no doubt other funimation titles they tried to grab before sony forbid them from touching any of them because they see cable tv as irrelevent and why bring anything to toonami when they can make people come to streaming to watch the newest shows? excluding attack on titan due to that ancient toonami contract obviously
  12. and when i say that....I Mean It's promoted and propped up like this massive blockbuster series but then once it ends and transitions into say assassination classroom it feels awkward....I Don't care as much for black lotus as some of the other stuff on toonami but that doesn't mean I don't see it as this dramatic hollywood like series i do and that makes it's position on toonami bizarre when you look at what's around it
  13. looking back at this video with today's announcement is just weird.....the vibe was that one piece wasn't returning and that they couldn't justify paying toei's asking price for a show that was filler on the block not even sure if things will be any different now it's been five years and that's enough time for any one piece fan to just say "Screw it...I'm gonna watch this on funimation's service"
  14. still...does this mean everything funimation has dubbed will be slapped with a covid-19 disclaimer? this didn't happen at the latter half of S1 so this change is confusing unless it's just something they are doing for the sake of people who think funimation is a brand new company and everything they've dubbed recently came out
  15. yeah... i don't think it really builds interest and hype for most people if you just showed them this
  16. yeah this promo feels very rushed...which makes sense for a promo put out 3 days before the series begins on toonami
  17. weird that they made a facebook update about the hours changing only for them to not....
  18. with the last show airing at 3:00...so probably one of the bebop airings got cut off for this upcoming saturday
  19. probably but in that case It won't be much of a thing moving forward if it was a honest mistake then again Dr Stone S2 Aired entirely with the Opening missing the logo...so who knows
  20. I'm just mostly confused because i don't get the reasoning behind pretending even stuff they dubbed years and years ago was dubbed today....there's covering your bases and then there's just lying for no apparent reason whatsoever this never appeared at all while AC S1 aired on toonami so why start now?
  21. at the same time though....there's very little time to promote these new shows unless they are announced monday or tuesday....any longer than that would be cutting it close to a last minute schedule change again
  22. or not at all...few people seem to think this is something worth complaining about and it's just a normal funimation process moving forward
  23. it's just weird this never happened to AC during the first season but once it came back for season 2 on the block...there's a covid-19 disclaimer
  24. well whatever the case is....Jason Demarco doesn't know why the disclaimer is there and he couldn't care less honestly(doesn't see the issue)
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