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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. makes about as much sense as the idea of MHA airing on nickelodeon...
  2. sounds like a stupid rumor....would have been easier to believe if FX had a history of airing anime in the past no matter how hype a show was...you weren't gonna see a network that never really dabbled in Japanese Animation acquiring one to air next to a bunch of comedies
  3. not having the full opening for attack on titan sucks though...incoming butchered cut for it's premiere
  4. I'm actually surprised doubled up one piece is permanent....usually doubled up episodes are temporary and don't stick around on the block for long is this the first time Doubled up episodes of a series have become a long term plan?
  5. Demarco did say there's two or three more shows left to announce(one of those being AOT)and since they already booted the second naruto I'm just gonna assume we're only gonna get one other show aside from attack on titan and it will replace the first one piece episode of the night Guesses?...Dynazenon wouldn't surprise me as Gridman previously aired on the block and it would fit into that time slot nicely although since things are still so mysterious around the block (judging from demarco's comments on perhaps picking up weirder shows and more non-shonen content) Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid would make about as much sense as dynazenon....it's non-shonen content and it would look very weird on toonami nobody would be expecting it...
  6. Because then it would make it clear that toonami has run out of viable options and has no choice but to become "This is what your dad watched!" block and veering into the realm of "How do you do fellow young people?"
  7. well there's not been much else for anybody to discuss these past months...and even now the block is still in "Mysterious mode" attack on titan could arrive on the block 2/12...or it could arrive later in the month we don't know....and not a single word has been spoken about the dub so maybe there's some issues there
  8. So far though toei seems like the only company that has outright been confirmed to still see american cable television as a viable means to market themselves and were willing to work out a reasonable deal with toonami anyone else...it's all speculation on how they feel about cable tv since more and more companies are jumping on the streaming bandwagon
  9. what if toonami added a family guy style anime...would that help?
  10. A Classics Block on any television network just doesn't have much staying power in 2022 So i don't know why you think otherwise initially those are seen as cool but then interest quickly begins to fade.... that type of content would work better for something like retrocrush or pluto tv not something people have to actively tune into weekly how many dub exclusives have we had in recent history? because i feel like those have been dead for awhile now...with few exceptions i suppose it just bothers me because in a way it feels like toonami has no choice but to revert back into the way it was when it initially returned in 2012 while some prefer and even have fond memories of those days compared to recent years....the budget wasn't that great and the options were limited going back to those limiting times doesn't fill me with much confidence.....
  11. what's the incentive to staying up if toonami is just MeTv but with anime?....at that point you might as well go the pluto tv route and turn toonami into a 24/7 streaming channel online it makes more sense than having a late night saturday classic anime block
  12. I'm not undervaluing hidden gems i just don't think the block can coast along on the prospect of hidden gems alone.....nor do i think toonami has to pay out the ass for exclusivity to remain relevant I Just would hate it if toonami's continued struggles resulted in them being unable to air anything that isn't a cheaper older title or an original I'm not wanting them to splurge on every modern shonen ever....i simply want the block to look like it's at least trying to stay somewhat fresh Exclusivity on dubs doesn't matter much to me what matters is having fresh new anime content period we still have attack on titan coming but I'd like to see something that isn't guaranteed due to an ancient deal made before streaming truly took hold
  13. I'm not saying toonami will cease to exist without demon slayer but that attack on titan alone can't carry the block
  14. An HBO Max section wouldn't be the same though....the appeal of toonami is that it's a weekly lineup where we all gather to watch and discuss the shows if you just turn it into a stream filled with Content made and owned by WM/AS then It won't take long before even the die-hard toonami fans lose interest what you are proposing sounds like a glorified pluto tv channel....and if that's what toonami has to restore relevance then maybe it's time to retire toonami
  15. i suppose they gotta pump out originals at a quicker pace if they can't get new modern anime...that's all there is to it cheap titles from funimation's backlog won't keep the hype flowing
  16. i know but i just don't want toonami to be devoid of modern content entirely aside from originals....maybe I'm the weird one because i keep seeing people hyped about more obscure content hitting the block which i can understand however without any kind of heavy hitters i just don't think toonami can keep the block going and i don't think they can keep the hype flowing either in that situation we still have attack on titan final season part 2 but then what?....after that it's uncertain
  17. Do you think he'll get the last laugh honestly?....he didn't seem all that confident in the tweets i read when he went over how they might have to get more weird and experimental less popular shows
  18. correct...if you wanna watch demon slayer season two You'll have to do it on crunchyroll or the funimation streaming service blame it on so many people going to see mugen train in theaters
  19. it's too bad the ghost trick deck type sucks so much(at least until they get the ghost trick link monster...)
  20. And I'm not saying it is...but if you have shit internet(which still accounts for a lot of people)then streaming services aren't viable for you whatsoever besides that...hating toonami's guts because They Had temporary Exclusivity on some shows is really petty and immature Toonami operates as a business on cable television and has to do what they can to remain relevant...no matter if you agree with it or not after all do you honestly think toonami can keep going without any heavy hitters on the block and having to rely on bargain bin older titles? i don't think so....it might seem appealing at first but it wouldn't take long for people to lose interest in staying up late to watch stuff from 5-10 years ago
  21. reminder there are people who think AS/Toonami is a bane of anime lover's existence and that people should rejoice when they are denied a series
  22. still dunno how i feel about doubled up one piece though...even with two episodes per week it's pacing is terrible
  23. they are still a business though and have to hype up the audience somehow... playing for example Dagashi Kashi upfront isn't gonna do that... I'm not expecting them to lead any conversation but if it's between toonami being the home of table scrap shows or concluding and riding off into the sunset I'd take the latter...otherwise toonami runs the risk of just turning into a Classics Line-Up for the old fogies to remember the good old days at that point why even have toonami if you can't afford anything that wouldn't be in the walmart bargain bin section? staying up late on a saturday night to watch the classics/obscure shows would seem cool at first but after awhile with nothing actually new to talk about it would lose it's flavor and eventually It'd be hard to justify staying up to watch such old content where the dub had been available for several years to a decade(maybe older in some cases)
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