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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. the act of snatching a dub for a series and having it exclusive to the block for a long time......I've noticed that now has resulted in many people online within the anime community having a special hatred for toonami because to them it was the worst thing they could have done and for anyone who doesn't have cable to them it was toonami giving them the middle finger Saying "Screw You!" so to them...toonami not getting DS S2 is a fantastic thing as they figured if they had gotten it then people without cable wouldn't have seen it for a year but does toonami really deserve all this rage and anger for something that's not only in the past(for the most part with few exceptions now)but is also something they did just to keep the block relevant? it wasn't out of malice and hatred for the anime community like some want to think it was it was just business and a cable tv block really needs a lot to keep people invested in when streaming exists
  2. it is but as usual cable guides have place-holders for these kind of last minute decisions which is why we often see stuff like hours of american dad or hours of rick and morty instead of toonami on saturday night when a schedule change is at the last minute
  3. just no more blade runner marathons....
  4. doesn't mean demon slayer S2 will be on the block though that one seems to be locked away from toonami
  5. It is but at the same time there's still more slots to fill and I'd have to know if the rest of 1/8 will be a marathon or not
  6. finally some actual content.....
  7. true but it's such an old series that its events are old news at this point...toonami premiere or not it's gonna outlast everything on toonami because it's basically a time slot filler and background noise at this point that's why toonami never doubles it up
  8. Shippuden won't even be on next week since it's lately another marathon
  9. tonight....Only On Toonami And The Crunchyroll
  10. I'll Probably watch tonight but 1/8...nope knowing it'll probably be another black lotus marathon
  11. that's being a bit too pessimistic at this point.....I'm frustrated like everyone else but i don't think toonami's just gonna turn into reruns and wrestling... Demarco did say hopefully things will normalize shortly afterwards....so perhaps they were working on getting some new shows to put on the block but just couldn't finalize the deals in time for them to make it for 1/8 that's the only fan theory that makes sense....otherwise like i stated why would they stay quiet about the 1/8 schedule for so long if they knew they had nothing to put on toonami?
  12. why did they feel the need to not say anything about the 1/8 schedule until now?....that's what i don't understand don't tell me plans fell through yet again
  13. neither can i...like i said i had a routine going watching it every week with my mother and now that's dead pretty much she has no interest in having black runner black lotus shoved down her throat nor does she care about watching marathons
  14. how long are we expected to just sit patiently and wait though? the longer it takes to put new shows on the block the easier it becomes for people to simply quit watching toonami entirely and never return yes complaining doesn't change anything but at this point waiting it out isn't much better since Demarco sounds like they are basically holding out for a miracle and they have no idea what they are gonna do
  15. what sucks is when i lament about this on the toonami discord I'm met with people saying "It is a mix of things outside of their control. Just give them some leeway and don't be soo uptight. It is unecessary stress on everyone for no real good reason." that i shouldn't care about when the schedule will come out or when new shows will arrive because they'll come when they come....however my patience at this point is long gone i can only take so many stalling tactics and weeks of silence before i just stop giving a damn about toonami i had a weekly routine going watching toonami with my mother and now...that all seems to be dead at this point
  16. inb4 another black lotus marathon.....if that happens I'm gonna be so pissed
  17. still nothing...I'm convinced we're getting another marathon on 1/8
  18. looking like that will be the case....
  19. unfortunately it's christmas and still no word on the upcoming new premiere shows....
  20. still waiting to see what the schedule for 1/8/22 will be...
  21. if he didn't say anything at all then the reactions would be worse....with all the doubling up and random schedule changes we had the late half of this year there would be a lot of confusion and fan theories running around....family guy's departure was too soon for it to put a stop to any new shows coming in for the rest of the year however now that we do know that they don't really spend much on acquired content(like DBS)there's just more confusion now as the only two explanations are either every single show they wanted got an unexpected price hike or it was all funimation content and sony said "No"
  22. demarco also confirmed that the money spent on The Original Shows are separate from the budget they have to spend on acquired shows for toonami which is big news for a lot of fans as the assumption was that they came from the same pot but now that fan theory can labeled as debunked
  23. "Trying to be somewhat transparent about the inner workings of our tv block on here is not easy. I can’t be TOTALLY transparent, and that space between what I can say and what I can’t leaves a lot of room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation." this quote is something that i think frustrates demarco a lot especially now because after the last couple of months....uncertainty regarding the new year is something toonami fans don't like but all demarco can say is "stuff is coming we can't tell you what or when but stuff is coming"
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