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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. I Like it more than movie 1(two heroes)but less than movie 2(heroes rising) biggest complaint is that despite the title being world heroes mission....We Only get to spend any time in the fictional country of Otheon everywhere else is just a small blink and miss it scene...so many characters on the cover/poster and most of them don't do anything hell Tamaki/Sun-Eater is on the poster and i don't remember him saying or doing anything at all
  2. took 6 hours last saturday for MHA S6 to be uploaded that day....it's not uncommon for a show's dub to be uploaded later than it should be according to the schedule if anything it's too common
  3. Medication has nothing to do with it.....I Simply realized i was wasting my time venting about pointless bullshit and that the chances of toonami being canned anytime soon were extremely low but apparently they aren't low enough if you think this news makes it more likely now than ever Toonami's been in worse shape schedule wise than this so I don't know why you think now is when we should be concerned "Everyone panic Toonami's Doubled Up MHA for two weeks in a row! it's total chaos and pandemonium!" maybe if they did this every single week I'd think differently but two weeks doesn't phase me.... toonami realizes how this must look but i don't think they intend on simply riding out the rest of MHA's season doubled up that's only if they can't find anything else and i have my doubts that they'll have to resort to doubled up MHA the rest of the season
  4. everyone makes mistakes but I'm not the one here thinking this possibly means toonami's dead....we all know toonami's budget is tight and that crunchyroll has a lock on a majority of the freshest anime out there so things cannot be easy for them but that doesn't mean we start screaming "Toonami's getting canned again!" the price has to be right and it's probably harder than ever to find suitable shows that they can afford without breaking the bank that doesn't mean there's nothing for them but that it's gonna take longer than usual for them to secure two shows than we would like it to
  5. it's still a little suspicious because ToonfamiFan213 has referenced this place before and even tried to imply this was his account on unevenedge when i started shitting on his BS Behavior over on twitter he knows about this board and is probably reading it as we speak...there's no doubt about that the real question becomes...is he one of us or not?
  6. I'm not saying it's a good for the block but it's way too whiny and pessimistic to quickly assume this means they are cutting the block's hours and about to cancel toonami again also your name is way too Similar to his just to be a coincidence the only difference is "Guy" instead of "Fan" the same numbers are there except in a different order
  7. You Sure are quick to jump to the "Toonami's Dead!" conclusion aren't you? I'm not surprised considering your online identity is "Fuck Demarco And His Stupid Toonami Ruining Face!"
  8. so according to the toonami discord...current listings for next week show double MHA and double One piece i hope toonami realizes they can't keep doubling up mha like this
  9. reruns are just filler content if you ask me...most toonami fans are probably in bed by that point anyways reruns give off the illusion of the block being longer than it really is
  10. I already finished that as well as the third(final)season because much like you i realized toonami was never going to acquire it and the same goes for most shows I'm currently watching on crunchyroll there's so many that i would never see if i simply watched toonami only
  11. if anything new is coming that night there's not much time to promote it....
  12. there are better places to promote your content than A Block for Insomniacs on cable television....so i doubt it's the same case as "You Only Get DC Content when we need you to promote DC Content" otherwise one piece would have completely vanished once Film Red's time in the spotlight was over as for why we don't have any new show announcements...it has to be something they personally enjoy and also something they can reasonably afford even if they can afford a show...if they don't like it themselves they aren't going to touch it with a ten foot pole
  13. doesn't really sound like working with Japanese Distributors is an option often available to them
  14. Toei is eager to work with toonami because they still believe American Cable Television is a great place to promote their shows not sure how many others in Japan feel the same way
  15. so then what are toonami's options if CR Doesn't want to cooperate and sentai won't respond to calls/emails? The Viz Library isn't exactly that big
  16. if the budget is any tighter then how can they get anything?....the budget was already pretty shitty before as for sentai there's no evidence to suggest they'd be blocking toonami from anything they'd want right now they aren't CR and AMC seems to have no interest in hoarding that content for themselves like sony would
  17. probably doesn't help that the toonami crew are iffy on airing anything they themselves don't enjoy....(In A Recent Q&A Demarco said if Yugioh Ever got a full uncut dub He'd never allow it on toonami Because He Hates that series) considering how long it's taking them to find two new shows I'd think it's fair to assume they are being extra picky and refusing to look at anything they personally don't enjoy
  18. MHA Cannot carry toonami by itself so i hope we're getting new shows soon... toonami can't keep wrestling with crunchyroll and expecting to get what they want for a reasonable price
  19. they really can't be trying to pry something from CR can they? i doubt sentai/amc would be causing this much trouble for them....
  20. Nope He Really Isn't...numerous times on twitter Demarco has stated the block is more Gill Austin's project than his own right now He's Merely acting as a background advisor these days....Gill Austin doesn't use social media whatsoever so Demarco is the toonami PR Person
  21. even if the grind was much better....Power Lines being completely caked over with ice and weighed down by the cold still would have happened
  22. that'll happen next week and then it's gone until march can't believe i forgot this...
  23. I Don't know what happened but it really does seem like toonami tried to sweet talk CR/Sony and it failed so they needed to scramble for a stalling tactic
  24. and....now one piece is off the block until march thanks to the recent schedule announcement of two weeks of DC Animated movies what the hell is even going on at toonami?
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