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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. is there any proof beforehand that he could be into chonkers?
  2. someone mentioned how maybe they just thought it was a joke and perhaps Demarco's not up to date on fetishes however being into fat chicks isn't that unusual....it's rather vanilla when you think about it and shouldn't be something demarco's never heard about
  3. this is something i still don't understand....this person paid for a subscription to view this picture then they stole it and submitted it to toonami why?...i don't know
  4. what sucks is i feel with streaming services being the way they are... toonami needs something special to motivate fans to get invested and interact during the block... can't expect people to avoid watching MHA S6 episodes until they air on toonami if you don't reward them for doing so
  5. someone said maybe this picture was stolen and submitted because it's fat-art(Niche Content) because..."Whose really gonna defend the person making Fat-Artwork?" look at most comments online and how a lot of them seemed grossed out or disturbed very few even came up to the plate to support the artist when it was revealed that it had been stolen
  6. is toonami run by morons who can't grasp the fact that some people are into fat chicks and not all fat art is done for the sake of comedy?
  7. question though why would you steal that and present it as your own? the internet clearly would beat up the artist judging by some of the responses I've seen....so not exactly a reputation You'd want
  8. I Suppose they just didn't give a shit....Demarco's response to the nami picture shows he didn't really care about what was submitted as long as it wasn't stolen
  9. Jason Demarco has little to do with toonami these days aside from being in a advisor role....he describes toonami as being more of A Gill Austin Project than A Demarco Project now so i assume he'd probably say he had nothing to do with that one regardless now fans have nothing to get them personally invested in the block.....toonami just brought it back and because of one thief they have decided the fans don't deserve to be able to contribute anything to the block ever again
  10. I Like fat chicks but this situation made me want to jump out the living room window....i don't need help feeling like shit about myself
  11. Yeah apparently they just don't have the resources to do it the correct way and that's why this happened....They were working with the honor system(Trusting that fans would do the right thing)because they didn't have any way to keep them in check and prevent anything like this from happening no matter if you believe the excuse or not...it's the only explanation we have and Demarco insists they'll never give fans something like this ever again because they just can't handle all the submissions
  12. apparently the fat nami picture was a subscription picture so....not only was someone's art stolen but it was art you had to pay for to see
  13. what's worse is that because this happened...the actual artist of the fat nami piece is probably going to vacate the internet to avoid all the negative comments once people discover he's the one
  14. demarco's response to the picture
  15. and now toonami cannot trust the fans so we'll likely never see them give the fans another way to interact and get themselves invested in the block personally The Crew Brought fan-art submissions back for the fans because they wanted the block to have something special to look forward to and now with it canceled Gill Austin And His Team are probably pissed that an idea they felt passionate about it died so quickly because the internet took advantage of the fact they are a small team with no time to verify every piece of fan-art submitted It was The Honor System...they trusted fans to do the right thing and not send in anything stolen or weird but the fans couldn't obey that rule....and here we are
  16. they tried to get the fans invested in the block and somebody just had to ruin it for everyone else....
  17. Especially since Primal has already been aired so much on adultswim.... oh well I watched some new dubbed episodes released on crunchyroll today so suppose it doesn't matter
  18. avoiding any shows i wanna watch for the small possibility they might air on toonami just doesn't make any sense to me for too long i limited myself to just what toonami could acquire but once i subbed to cr...that all changed I've been watching a lot more anime more often
  19. what do you think were the best and worst moments for the block this year?
  20. at this point if someone wants to watch chainsaw man/spy family they are better off watching them now instead of waiting for toonami to make an announcement
  21. it's scheduled around the worst game that day though....don't even pretend like it won't be a joyless experience Two Shitty teams brawling doesn't make for good entertainment
  22. Nickelodeon gets to play the dumpster fire match that day between The 4-10 Denver Broncos and The 4-9 LA Rams though anyone who watches that will certainly not be having a good time
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