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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. did toonami forget MHA was under crunchyroll/sony?....Sentai is clearly an option and yet they decided to waste time trying to convince sony to let them have my hero academia
  2. My Problem is at this point if MHA S6 is announced then It'll only be marketed by The Toonami facebook page and if you don't keep up with that or toonami fan accounts who do then You'd have no idea MHA S6 would be coming to the block very soon
  3. once again....we find ourselves wondering what next week's toonami lineup will be tonight's lineup was a last minute mha marathon and since there was no promo for anything except that MIA Promo from last week it seems like we might get another last minute marathon....i know made in abyss's promo said it comes on next saturday but that's what it said last time and we saw how that turned out
  4. Yeah i agree...because as it stands We just went through what was obviously a last minute marathon(there were no bumpers for the next episode after the credits...which makes it more apparent)that wasn't promoted aside from facebook so I'd imagine many people expected to see the regular lineup only to be smacked in the face with a marathon they had no idea about
  5. Yeah...that didn't happen sadly and no promo for anything aside from that made in abyss promo that aired last week(before we knew there would even be a marathon)
  6. so no commercial whatsoever to promote the marathon on air before it even airs...
  7. a lot of people are gonna be ready to watch toonami thinking it's going to be a regular lineup only to be met with a Marathon....
  8. there's also the possibility that Toei has started charging more for One piece episodes due to Film red as already stated in this thread it's interesting that an episode was removed right as Film Red was being advertised on television and had debuted in theaters
  9. so there was no announcement during toonami.....
  10. after what happened with Blade Runner Black Lotus....I'd advise against that what happens if WBD Writes it off after they make the schedule...
  11. with no announcement at all tonight i think we can confirm that toonami was denied access to season 6 and are now scrambling to find something for next week's lineup....
  12. Yeah they mentioned fan art would be shown on toonami but they never said when....
  13. so made in abyss airs next week at it's usual time so a marathon isn't happening but we haven't gotten an announcement for the new lead show which makes me think we're getting another rerun as the lead show or that time slot is getting cut i can't see them announcing MHA S6 during naruto....and they'd have very little time to promote it if they did so in the middle of next week
  14. the only reason i continue to watch one piece on toonami is because the dub still isn't on crunchyroll....i could always switch to the subbed version but I've gotten so used to the dub voices that some of the ones in the original version i just have a hard time listening to(Such as Franky's)
  15. plus he once made a tweet claiming he was me for some reason that went along the lines of "Hey Just so You Know I'm Countfrylock On The Unevenedge Boards" so he knows this place exists why he came here though? I Have no clue.....bitching about ratings none of us have any control over and claiming that Yashahime is some putrid dumpster fire that offends most people just by existing is getting old
  16. "Nielsen viewer repellent" let's get that straight.... i watch toonami most weeks but i know i don't contribute one point to the block because I've Never been part of The Nielsen Survey so by rating metrics I Don't exist as a viewer I'm Starting to think you might be that dude on twitter with the lame jason demarco twitter who made his entire identity shitting on toonami and demarco... just a hunch...
  17. the problem with the marathon idea though is the options are very limited Not enough episodes for A MIA S2 marathon a one piece or naruto marathon seems very unlikely Primal's already airing as the rerun to conclude the block so a marathon would really be pointless.... if it was an MHA Marathon I'd feel like they would have said something already to pair that up with the announcement of Season 6 on toonami
  18. the lineup for 11/26 remains a mystery do you think we'll see a new show lead the block by then maybe a marathon or a batman kevin conroy tribute night? the silence around the lineup is interesting I'll say
  19. as we all know One Piece recently went from two episodes per week on toonami to one episode per week and with it's infamous pacing one episode per week is garbage so i ask you...why do you think that second episode was removed? nothing was gained from it's removal and as far as we can tell it's not a temporary decision
  20. doesn't seem like it is temporary though....what purpose does removing a second one piece episode for a couple weeks serve?
  21. If toonami only intended on doubled up one piece being temporary then we would have seen this happen much sooner instead it lasted for much of the year and when it did stop it was with no explanation... it's not like the extra episode was replaced by something else because it wasn't
  22. that would mean something came up that would prevent toonami from airing one piece beyond the episodes they've already ordered and so if that's correct continuing to air two episodes per week would mean they'd run out of episodes sooner
  23. already i can tell losing an episode of one piece sucks...the pacing at one episode per week is garbage
  24. the fan theory going around as to why one piece got dropped from 2 episodes per week to 1 is that something came up and this is just toonami trying to make one piece last longer on the block
  25. what's the point of having one piece on the block at this point if they are just gonna cut it down from 2 to 1 episode per week? the pacing's already shitty but at one episode per week it's like there isn't even a show in that time slot it's so slow
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