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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. To Think we live in a country that has no problem worshiping over the top violence but as soon as sexual content comes into play(or even just one exposed nipple) that's when people are triggered and get uncomfortable not when heads are being blown off and bodies sliced to bits but when A Woman without a top on shows up
  2. wasn't there an episode of mister pickles where A Man got Sexually Assaulted by A Wolf?(with Detailed Nipples) guess it's a different thing when it's played up for comedy and it's one of their own shows
  3. when i hear "Heavily Edited" I Think the episode's gonna look choppy as hell when it comes to that part which is funny considering when you hear the block's Name (Adultswim) You Don't really think it sounds like a block that would be terrified of disturbing themes and nudity Children shouldn't be awake at that time and the people who are watching shouldn't be shocked to see such content I Mean It's SAO You Kind of knew that stuff was in there
  4. how anyone can look at the nielsen ratings and say "Yeah These totally justify crapping on Jojo" is beyond me everyone knows that due to the way that system works it's practically the electoral college of television The Voices of The Few Determine everything or in this case channel surfing grandpa's who fell asleep in the middle of family guy
  5. They'll blame the viewers for not watching it even though I've stated many times before that thanks to the Nielsen system it's like none of us are watching toonami at all
  6. seriously though is there anything on television more unfair than the nielsen ratings system
  7. it's times like this when i really really hate the nielsen ratings system that results in bullcrap schedule changes like this...
  8. Ya Know if this was the gamefaqs toonami sub-forum OwlChemist would have been chastised for not posting up A Long-Winded Summary for this topic...(Seriously they got on my case for not describing every single thing that happened the previous week in MY ODT's) kind of what i like about this place....no such thing as getting butt-hurt about A Discussion topic
  9. this is a combination of One Piece And HXH Pacing... by the time November rolls around People will be more than happy to just see this story end
  10. is there anything that can really match dragon ball's numbers?(and given How few viewers are counted for the ratings it's very unlikely That MHA Or Boruto will match up in the long run since most viewers do not have as much of a connection to those shows as they do dragon ball)
  11. http://www.toonamisquad.com/exclusive-toonami-squad-interviews-jason-demarco-and-gill-austin-current-state-of-toonami-2019/
  12. i got texas tech beating NC in the finals
  13. i don't see a new DB Series being ready and dubbed by then so the only options they have are to 1.Restart DBS from the beginning and have a rerun lead the block 2.Have Either MHA or Boruto Lead the block as a test to see how the block could handle not starting off with something DB Related and giving one of these a chance to blossom as the Toonami Pack Leader or 3.Acquire A New Property to Take Up The Reins in DB's ABsence
  14. it just boggles the mind.....it better be some massive hit for all this secrecy nonsense to be brushed off
  15. Toonami's Social Media Game is really slipping
  16. still though what anime could be so top level and popular that it would require this many flaming hoops to jump through that they still can't talk about it? there aren't exactly A Lot of Toonami Possible modern animes that would require them to bust their asses off just to even consider airing it
  17. stuff like this shouldn't happen and i can only imagine it's because toonami is under-staffed so they can't even regularly check the copies they have to make sure they aren't screwed up the toonami crew just isn't being run properly i don't know if they don't care or if they are too busy but it's unacceptable and will only get worse if something's not done about to prevent another incident like this from happening
  18. kinda funny SAO Glitched out and caused this whole mess because it's worked perfectly with toonami's plans according to Demarco since they aren't even allowed to discuss megalobox's replacement yet I Have no idea who is screwing up the deal but had SAO Not glitched out they would have been screwed with potentially no new show for the megalobox slot
  19. i agree overloading probably wasn't the best idea but that's why it would have been best to just have A Few for what needs attention and popularity instead of doing them for what doesn't need the extra help DBS is the new england patriots of toonami You Don't need to really try hard to get people invested in it or talking about it it's highly unlikely there will be a new DB Series ready by the time DBS Concludes on Toonami so wouldn't it best to be prepping either boruto or MHA as the new leader of the pack when super concludes? get one of them ingrained in everyone's minds and promote it as a show you really need to see if not then we'll just run into one of two situations...DB Super Ends and we have nothing comparable to lead the block so toonami falters or DB Super Ends and the block is led with A Rerun of Super which will do well enough but over time A Rerun leading the block has always ended poorly
  20. and naruto had no ending credits...
  21. the sad thing is i believe there aren't enough hardcore toonami fans counted on the nielsen ratings to make much of a dent if they decide to skip this episode and go to the next one anyways it's unlikely Aniplex would let them air it again for free(error or not cause they take any chance to squeeze extra money out of people)
  22. those comments are usually from trolls...anyone who'd actually think toonami would just up and stop airin DBS is a complete moron just saying if you can only do a few topicals then maybe just focus on what needs the attention and hype fuel instead of what's been the Leader of the pack for ages now dragon ball doesn't need a hype man it's building hype fuel without toonami's ads the same cannot be said for boruto people won't watch boruto just because it's naruto related to the extent that people watch DBS just cause it's dragon ball
  23. if it's too much of a workload then just cut out the stuff that doesn't need to be promoted every single week Boruto Is The Second Tier Show Right After Super and i think that needs all the promo work it can get if toonami wants it to be Recognized nobody needs to be told DB Super exists every single week They'll sit down and watch it regardless less can be said for Boruto And MHA However
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