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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. still this is perplexing because what are they even promoting with this? the DVD's? the people watching macy's aren't gonna buy the dvds for super most of them don't know what it is
  2. this could have been good if it wasn't a FLCLSeason they couldn't really develop much in 6 episodes
  3. which kinda sucks if ya ask me and then of course you got anime video games only coming out in USA Subtitled unless it's naruto/dbz
  4. Anime Movies these days tend to be more limited in theaters than previously before
  5. if he didn't have a massive ego we wouldn't have FLCL Progressive/Alternative because he thinks his tastes are the same as everyone else
  6. i wish this wasn't a FLCL Series because it's trying hard not to be one and when it acts like FLCL that's when it starts to suck because you start expecting Someone like pets to get more development but then it's just more random weird stuff
  7. maybe i tuned out these scenes or something.... anyways i now wish this was a little longer than 6 episodes because it's hard to really care about everyone when you barely know a damn thing about anyone
  8. yeah but it didn't suddenly turn into Psycho Parent starts falling into madness and rambling like this is silent hill
  9. why did this suddenly turn into a horror anime with the dark tone and crap?
  10. man imagine if this was an american series we'd be dealing with A Naruto Reboot instead of this for some reason The Japanese seem more interested in doing Later Years type sequel series than Americans do
  11. why is naruto the only show without it's opening aired usually? it's stranger now that it airs earlier cause it comes off as if there were licensing issues
  12. labeling them everyone's favorite artists is such a dick move as it makes him sound like someone who thinks everything he likes is what everyone else likes too and that if he hates something then everyone else hates it too...
  13. it wouldn't be so bad if adultswim didn't keep labeling their free music downloads as everyone's favorite bands and musical artists...when none of us know who these people are
  14. can anyone tell me why Jason Demarco seems to love music nobody else has heard of and especially music that doesn't fit toonami?
  15. the problem is we just wrapped up kai this year on toonami and already it's back...
  16. how many times are we gonna see that FLCL Alternative promo before we're sick of it?
  17. i just don't find MHA S1 to be worth going through again....it was a drag just being patient enough to wait through so we could get to the festival
  18. eh gonna be skipping this one....on the plus side this is only our second marathon of the year
  19. why was jack frost an asshole in that frosty cartoon but a good guy in everything else
  20. "this row was just aborted"
  21. anyone else sick of these ads for "mostly 4 millenials"
  22. what is up with these commercials? a few weeks back i saw a condom ad during a break for MHA and then a kids toy ad during a break for FLCL Progressive
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