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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. this music is really annoying me right now
  2. still kinda sucks because Boruto's not been on that long and already it's hype train's dead although now i just imagine the toonami crew being ridiculously smaller than i imagined(like small enough to work from inside someone's garage)
  3. I Have my doubts that Boruto would fall that hard(Is SAO That Popular to really justify starting right after DB Super?) i guess this bums me out because having no hype promo's for MHA And Boruto isn't exactly a good thing....and for first time viewers having to google the next episode description leaves you wide open to spoilers for that episode and ones after it
  4. i just never expected this to happen since well i never thought the promo's would be that time-consuming and annoying to make....
  5. this is what i can't understand...and it's something that worries me because if these promo's have started to become too much of a hassle for the staff then there's a good chance then eventually we won't see any toonami promo's at all
  6. https://ask.fm/Clarknova " "We’ve announced all of those things except for the Tumblr slowly over the last month or two. The stream did well but the cost was getting too high to maintain it, and doing so many topical promos every week was too much of a drain on our small staff. As for the tumblr, it was going fine but frankly after their ridiculous decisions of late we just felt like it wasn’t something we were interested in maintainin"
  7. are family guy fans and anime fans usually the same? i always found it odd considering family guy and anything on the toonami block couldn't be more different
  8. i passed out earlier during the marathon and only woke up like an hour or two ago....didn't really feel like watching what amounted to super duper filler
  9. also does anyone else find it funny that tomorrow night adultswim's airing a new episode of the shivering truth(one day before christmas eve)and on christmas eve cartoon network airs a new episode of steven universe yet toonami's the only one out of the group that's actually taking the holidays off
  10. does toonami always have to marathon DB Super around this time of year? because I'd think this would be the time to marathon something else...i mean when the only thing of note happening is people get recruited to fight and that's about it it's about as lame as you can get for dragon ball
  11. if nobody cares about marathons then why do they exist? someone must care about them for them to even be a thing that actually happens because if nobody did care about them then that would mean not even toonami themselves care about the marathons and would not think about them
  12. apparently, some people believe this will get the highest ratings of the year simply cause it's A DB Super Marathon even though it's a marathon of crap episodes...
  13. As Reddit would say "Downvotes aren't to be used cause you disagree with someone's opinion" practically every subreddit scolds people who downvote simply cause they disagree or hate the person in question it's an abuse of the feature but i guess you didn't know that huh?
  14. so you think megalo box airing 2 episodes and then not airing the third until 3 weeks later won't have a severe negative effect on it? you say marathon's don't kill the momentum but a marathon by its premise puts the block on pause for a couple weeks momentum doesn't pause with it that's not how momentum works you either keep it going or you don't
  15. if this was a selection of high octane super exciting episodes I'd probably have some incentive to tune in...but a bunch of recruitment episodes aren't really what you go to when you wanna see DB
  16. i don't know why people like you feel like you gotta defend toonami's brainless decisions anyways... there's no logical reason to premiere shows in december none whatsoever...we all know the momentum's gonna be screwed by the double marathon's so why be in denial about it? what is the good side to this? there isn't and the fact you just tossed your hands up in the air and have given up shows it
  17. watch as Meglobox tanks and then demarco and crew wonder why that is.... you don't just premiere a show and then go on hiatus after it's aired just 2 episodes on the block which then puts it in an awkward position 3 weeks later where it's gone cold in terms of hype factor on the block
  18. when we're getting a marathon for a show that doesn't even have enough episodes yet to fill the entire block yeah that's hard to understand...if you have nothing else you can possibly marathon then why have a second marathon in a row that needs extra shows padded around it to fill the rest of the block? when toonami returns Megalo Box's momentum is gonna be completely shot and crippled nobody can deny that and anyone who suggests otherwise is just in denial
  19. ratings determine everything on toonami though...so banning anything relating to them would be extremely stupid why shouldn't anyone care about a very small group of people deciding what we like and what we don't like?
  20. it's 2018 netflix exists and trying to gauge moves by nielsen ratings isn't a good idea anymore imagine if netflix told you that you couldn't use it simply because the date was a holiday....
  21. ugh this is gonna be as bad as that one time they marathoned post ennies lobby one piece filler... to anyone who watches this whole thing...you that bored?
  22. it's more about the sense of a community discussion than anything else...watching something alone is pretty pathetic as opposed to watching it with someone when watching toonami i know there are other people watching it right now....when I'm watching netflix i can't be sure how many people are watching what I'm watching right now and how much of an active discussion i could even get out of it is up in the air
  23. this....i live in a fairly rural town so there's not much i can do(literally i have nothing to do this place is pretty boring)and the only change in my repetitive routine is when i get to go out to grab some groceries that's about it
  24. toonami is usually an insomniac's block....what would people be doing at midnight anyways? aside from bar hopping
  25. And Considering we're still using the nielsen system(something that probably tracks more old folks than actual toonami viewers)it's likely that none of our views matter we're just watching for the lulz and our viewership doesn't help anyone or anything so why continue to act like our views matter when they don't? it's all about that tiny box of nielsen viewers
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