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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. it just feels off....like either you have a marathon or you have the normal lineup you don't just have a marathon and have two new episodes before the marathon starts...that implies you think enough people will be watching to justify it but somehow not enough for the rest of the block
  2. anyone else still find it weird we have a new episode of MHA And OPM on a night where nobody's expected to be watching?
  3. everyone knows mine
  4. hell last night all i could think after each episode was "welp they chose a fine time to take a marathon break"
  5. ugh i hate we gotta wait 2 weeks for the next episode....
  6. i don't even know why rick and morty has episode promo's when most of the time they just exist to troll the audience and say "Fooled Ya Suckah! that wasn't what this episode was about at all!" i mean come on....it gets old after awhile when you know the episode promo's flat out lie
  7. like are they trying to piss us off? i remember when stuff like this could have a normal opening without being chopped up...but i guess these days it's all about pleasing the advertisers and having a butt load of commercials
  8. it's as bad as the fire force opening cut we have now...it gets to the build up and then nothing all for what? a bunch of hot pockets and anti-vape ads
  9. same here....it's a breath of fresh air when there aren't as many marathons every time a marathon happens it just disrupts the schedule and we're left just hanging onto the simplest crap for some shows because anything can be played off as a major cliffhanger with a marathon around the corner
  10. or will it be like this year where the marathons are downplayed and there's fewer....i ask because i really enjoyed how marathons were less of a thing this year and so when they did happen like the case with The DBS Finish Line marathon and this upcoming food wars marathon it doesn't feel like "Ooof Here we go again" because in an age of streaming i don't think marathons can make me feel anything except annoyed
  11. i wonder how many people still give a crap about thanksgiving anyways...
  12. maybe if he didn't have the mindset of "Women like red vehicles right?" this wouldn't have happened
  13. Terry's Recovery is ooof
  14. shadow sabbath....god i wish he was called black sabbath in english
  15. been playing sword
  16. if we're serious here there's a lot of dead sub-forums on this site.....not just the adult swim section and that's because people don't really think about posting anything non toonami related here
  17. in the age of streaming marathons are extremely outdated and i agree that when stuff like this happens you are just tempting the audience to jump ship and switch to streaming for these shows just because it's a holiday doesn't mean everyone suddenly unplugs and steps away from all electronics for the entire day to spend time with the family more so because the block doesn't start until 10:00/11:00 PM and most people shouldn't really be that busy on a typical saturday night at that time the reason they use marathons isn't because "oh people won't be watching that night" it's because they don't wanna change the block too often and this one for example is being used so they don't have to swap out Lupin Part 5 until January it's kind of lame because they really do try to use this "Nobody's gonna be watching anyways" reasoning as they label them holiday marathons and act like we need to catch up on episodes.... when in reality it's just to keep the block a certain way longer if they never had marathons i doubt they'd suffer much but they would have to change the lineup a lot more often than they'd want to
  18. and how many people do you think would respond to such news and show announcements if it were merged with toonami? no matter what happens nobody here's gonna care about the average adult swim original it's just an entirely different audience than the one that's been built up so far here aside from venture brothers and rick&morty Adult Swim News is just "See What Low Budget Crap we have in store for you this time!"
  19. and it still makes no sense....if you are doing a holiday marathon and aren't expecting people to tune in(hence the holiday marathon)why air any new episodes at all that night? you can't say you expect people to be watching the first two shows and then dip out for the rest of the block that's not how holiday marathons work normally it's "everything is a rerun no exceptions" I'm guessing they don't give a rats ass if MHA Or OPM Underperform because most of the time A Holiday Marathon is scheduled because they don't think anyone's gonna be watching toonami and they usually don't air new content on that night the fact they are airing new MHA And OPM says they don't really care if nobody watches MHA/OPM or not because it's just a throwaway night a throwaway night they are wasting two new episodes on
  20. it's like thanksgiving doesn't exist anymore....even during the thanksgiving parade they just won't shut up about christmas and have dozens of christmas themes everywhere
  21. who are these weirdo's that are apparently so busy at 10:00/11:00 PM On A Saturday night that these marathons are a must? and if people are too busy to watch then why the hell is toonami putting a new episode of MHA And A New Episode of OPM Before the marathon either you don't think people are busy and you run the normal lineup or you do think they'll be too busy and have a marathon you don't just start off with 2 new episodes then go into the marathon....that's like saying they aren't too busy for MHA Or OPM but they are somehow too busy for everything that comes afterwards and i have no idea how they came to that conclusion when it's still a block that starts so late at night only drunks would be doing anything at that time
  22. it just seems like it wouldn't mesh well if we decided to just this a generic folder for Any shows on adultswim.....it doesn't matter where they are located people here didn't come to discuss Mister Pickles getting a new season or rick and morty's return This is a toonami forum above all else and we can't pretend that the [AS] Shows will suddenly get more attention if they share the same folder as toonami
  23. seeing people in christmas sweaters and talking about santa in november just seems odd....
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