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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. i dunno if i care to watch the marathon honestly....
  2. didn't even get any happy birthday messages on facebook....
  3. sadly twas an uneventful birthday....didn't get to do anything or have any cake
  4. yeah i did it because they had a double coins promotion for it and also since it's out halloween I'd like to play it as soon as possible so that I can actually play it on halloween instead of waiting for a package or waiting until the chance to go to the store arises this should have been a earlier release in october to take advantage of the spoopy season
  5. twas uneventful
  6. in this day and age marathons are just outdated when streaming exists....you don't wanna drive the viewers away to just stream the shows so they don't have to deal with these awkward pauses in the block sure next week is the DBS Marathon but it's better than being bombarded by marathons
  7. i feel like this stems from them hiring people because they were famous actors and not because they were good VA's
  8. turning 30 years old
  9. i can admit now I've never once cared for this show on toonami....
  10. it's just a shame it looks a bit blurry(not so much that it's a huge issue but enough that character models and faces can look a bit off)in handheld mode
  11. honestly the nielsen ratings shouldn't matter in this day and age anyways especially for A block that mostly consists of anime(something that i doubt most homes with a nielsen box watch)
  12. they know this is the end of the road for DBS and they are gonna do what they can to make the most of it....because once it's over the people who typically hate anime will stop watching
  13. isn't this the first time we've had a marathon unrelated to a holiday? man wonder what the reactions will be from people who tune in expecting new content "did i somehow miss it being a holiday or something?"
  14. A Legal Document that was never discussed or brought up until now? sounds fishy...even fishier that nobody came screeching onto every news platform waving this in the air and ranting like a madman
  15. seems odd the marketing would be so lackluster on this then...
  16. like many others i believe this game is gonna get buried since it comes out a week before links awakening and two weeks before DQ11 S the hype is non-existent...
  17. when did this happen? When?! i do not recall this ever happening if it did the media would have been all over that....no doubt about it every time people say Michael Jackson was a gross disgusting pedophile monster they never have any proof or concrete evidence it's just them claiming stuff happened when it didn't and there's nothing to counter that how many times must this MJ Crap been brought up before we can finally put it to rest? the only reason it was brought up again is because some sleazeballs wanted some money and fame so they concocted a documentary of lies and fairy tales that go against the truth
  18. considering the kind of bizarre crap that spins out from adultswim's originals I'm surprised when stuff that's nowhere near that raises the red flag for them on toonami
  19. regardless when the only brand new thing you have to offer is A Lackluster dungeon maker that you can't even share with friends without using an amiibo to transfer dungeons to them it feels like a big nostalgia grab... you keep bringing up games that were on the same system from the get go where as Links Awakening originally was a gameboy game and a lot of how it works and plays was due in part to the limitations of that system even with QOL Changes applied it cannot escape the fact that at it's core it's still very much a gameboy game with many things that stemmed from that
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