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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. well let's just say the toonami sub-forum can be kind of a dumpster fire because the Weekly Discussion topics are treated like a job people call dibs ahead of time and they do the ODT every week(if someone else does it or tries to take it over they flip their shit)usually with a lengthy recap of the previous episode because An ODT Without a recap gets burned at the stake and you have people demanding you are relieved of doing that show's weekly ODT i found myself apart of an argument today because i tried to start the ODT For Jojo(which someone had already claimed)because the person who was to do it already had OPM and demon slayer recaps they had to do every week and an ungodly backlog of their own to shift through plus we only have 4 members to cover all the shows on the block which means we usually have several people pullin double duty and now we have two pulling triple duty i was simply trying to make things easier for him but i was attacked and seen as the villain...like i was taking his job or something like they take ODT's over there seriously to the point where they get really mad if you try to make the ODT and you weren't the person who called dibs on it
  2. and I'm saying that now because gamefaqs is really stressing me out on their toonami sub-forums.... I've never felt that way here and i thank you guys for not dumping on me or turning this place into my own personal toxic hell hole
  3. it was a walmart commercial
  4. 6 days to halloween and i have to say there's no network that has really done a great job in my opinion theming themselves around halloween
  5. it's weird how they probably won't make mention of boruto leaving the block on air....
  6. random music video that has nothing to do with anime
  7. yup next week is the last one for awhile...wish people would keep acting like this is a similar case to one piece it isn't...if it was we'd have A Farewell to boruto video
  8. Freeform Network Promotes Iron Man like it's a halloween film
  9. i feel like boruto's existence makes Shippuden old hat since it basically just spoils bits and pieces of that show
  10. i feel like even advertising for halloween has been on the decline for several years you don't really see companies heavily promote halloween edition products anymore or do halloween style commercials like you used to
  11. Adultswim Responded back with "Well Maybe we plan to replay it someday and that's why we didn't make A BFD About it Okay?!"
  12. i didn't ask people to defend it....I'm not expecting someone to come charging in here at the shows defense it's a no brainer question to ask with one answer.....anyone who says yes people would be pissed or people would care about it's removal just don't think about the problems with Shippuden just sticking on the block
  13. why the crap would anyone honestly try to defend Shippuden being on the block? it's gonna be here for another four years and by that time most people who wanted to know how it ends just binge-watched the rest of it...
  14. and before someone chimes in to defend shipp...don't just don't it isn't fresh or new in anyway anymore it's only on toonami now due to the legacy naruto has with the block but by the time shipp comes on I'm not even paying that much attention anymore because boruto is one big spoiler for it and i rather pay attention to that than this
  15. it's not gonna end for another four years or so....by that point toonami might not even exist anymore so it's highly unlikely we'll even see the show's conclusion on the block
  16. At Some Point The DBS Reruns should start to dip when people realize there's nothing new coming anymore.....if the reruns still get fabulous ratings for months on end then it paints a poor picture of the toonami community that if it isn't dragon ball we won't consume it
  17. they usually have dub premieres and if a dub can be found elsewhere and it isn't on toonami for an extended period of time why bother? not everyone wants to watch the subs especially if the subs are a little iffy in some regards
  18. and freeform sucks if you look at the list they have for halloween stuff
  19. if boruto is gone too long i can see fans just watching it somewhere else online....and when it does come back those people just won't be interested anymore cause they've already seen it
  20. hopefully that's true because eventually The DBS Rerun Front-Lead In Will stop working
  21. i miss when even cartoon network did cool stuff for halloween....
  22. doesn't seem like it...even freeform's 31 nights of halloween is a dumpster fire that just spams hocus pocus(including an all day marathon on halloween)and sometimes plays movies unrelated to halloween like ironman...why?
  23. same...i rather watch it on the block than seek it out
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