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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. i just don't want this to get to the point where the usa needs to be on forced lockdown
  2. Jeff the killer is basically a joke in the creepypasta community....(lore or no lore)that video i posted is what happens when someone in a silly manner decides to riff on it
  3. so who actually picked it up?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7iRMFMP9JE
  5. yeah i don't want to even humor the idea that The USA is a smoldering craphole with Covid-19 conquering it...(which is how the news makes it sound every time a new case is confirmed)
  6. i hope this doesn't last too long....and that Covid-19 doesn't get any worse for the united states because i feel like we need something to look forward to instead of just everyday being more horrible news it's made where i can't be all that positive without seeming naive or stupid due to current events
  7. so you think Covid-19 is gonna blow over in a couple months or something?
  8. it could also affect the dubbing process of many shows.....
  9. how do you think this virus will impact the block if it does at all and could this mean we may see some shows pushed back to next year such as Uzumaki? the whole situation is eerie and honestly with everyone else on television suspending work i can't really see toonami coming out of this okay
  10. ya know with nothing else on for the foreseeable future....one would think toonami would actually see a boost from the corona virus as weird as it sounds
  11. it has come to the point where this virus has taken over our lives and we have no choice but to focus on it everyday i really hope this doesn't last the entire year
  12. it's just....what are we suppose to do with these ads when we're expected to limit contact with the outside world?
  13. doesn't C-Virus make a lot of these commercials seem pointless?
  14. 11 days left
  15. so did i but then i thought about it and realized if SAO's spot was lost then we'd end at the third hour
  16. Demarco said he likes the block at around 3:00 and if SAO Concluded without a replacement then the block would end in 3 hours on the spot(for me it would be from 10:30 until 1:30) there's no way we see two shows debut in april with the way they're budget is
  17. i always found it weird how we have people making support tools for heroes yet we have no gadget based heroes at all so instead you just shame those without a quirk...
  18. it feels odd to be finished with toonami already....not looking to another half hour vanishing when Sao Alice Part II ends
  19. would be nice to see A serious fighting game much like DBFZ for MHA but unfortunately that's not likely to happen
  20. been far too long since A Main Animal Crossing game cane out
  21. it's another typical arena fighter so probably not gonna be any good but still...It's A MHA game and i felt like bringing up this sequel to My Hero One's Justice in case anyone here was interested
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