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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. Demand 2. A snoopy snow cone machine. Our parents wouldn't let us have one growing up.
  2. These are our demands. These demands are not negotiable and if unmet, will result in severe consequences. Demand 1. one thylacine. we are not unreasonable. we do not require a breeding pair and have no wish to reintroduce them to the wild as doing so might cause unintended ecological harm.
  3. on what would have been his 66th birthday. have a drink on me old man, wherever you are.
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  4. no, no. we did that one already. this is a completely new thread. totally unique.
  5. I know it's a few hours early, but I have A LOT of problems with you people this year.
  6. The people who most vehimately preach the Christmas spirit are the most likely to be hypocrites who treat people like shit the rest of the year.
  7. I've come to the conclusion that my whole life is a me problem.
  8. And.... it's back.
  9. i'm just going to go on record saying that merry tuesday sounds fucking dumb.
  10. The last wild Pacman. God, I hate people...
  11. But... I really want to be a bonobo...
  12. i know we're not supposed to talk about it. it's like taboo or whatever. but seriously, does anyone else feel like they're just living the same life over and over? i mean, maybe i'd like to be a bonobo next time or something...
  13. Modern "safety" packaging is now so difficult to open that it almost always requires a sharp implement, often being used at a precarious angle to open, which is ironically very unsafe.
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